Grow your hair naturally

Hair loss is the most difficult medical condition around the world. It causes headache for both men and women. The quest for hair loss solution is never-ending and medical science in recent years has come up with hair loss products to solve early age hair loss. Some of these products are drugs generally approved by the food and drug administration. Natural vitamin supplements and shampoos are the best solution for hair loss cure.

Reason behind Hair Loss

In reality, hair loss is not associated with any external or internal disease. It is observed that the genetic factors and the overall ageing process causes hair loss. Some men and women witness hair loss in early thirties and forties because of temporary stress, nutritional changes, hormonal changes pregnancy, puberty, menopause and many others.

Several other conditions like thyroid disease, anemia and hormonal misbalance generate hair loss. Drugs are not always the deciding factor for hair loss but the cancer treatment such as chemotherapy has hair loss as side effects.

The most natural hair loss products consists minerals and herbs. The minerals prohibit the human body from over producing dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for hair loss at an early age. The vitamin supplements contain an ingredient that allows re-growth and restoration of hair follicles. Some vitamin supplements also help to promote faster hair growth by removing dead and damaged hair follicles. This process creates a better environment for hair production. There are also a variety of shampoos available in the market that claim to produce thinner hair. The shampoos can be found for both women and men.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil

This oil is the pure and unrefined. The refine version of the oil has been used to treat balding patches for many years. This oil also stimulates faster hair growth. The oil should be applied to the bald patches on regular basis probably before going to sleep. The Jamaican Black Castor Oil can be mixed with almond oil to reduce its thickness. The oil removes toxin from hair follicle. It helps in hair loss cure.


This is the main ingredient in Rogaine medication that is prescribed for both male and female pattern baldness. The strength of this ingredient is safe for women and it is advised to purchase the hair loss product which has 2% of that ingredient.

Miconazole Nitrate

It is the most controversial method to achieve hair growth. It has been approved safe for tropical use but not has been approved by the FDA.

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