Find Out More About the Benefits of Regular Cat Flea Treatment

It is important that you carry out a regular cat flea treatment for your pets. Fleas can become a big problem if left untreated. This parasite can feed on both cats and humans. They can soon infest a home and cause misery for your pets and your family.

What are cat fleas?

Cat fleas are a type of parasite that feed on blood. They live on cats during the adult stage of their lives. They lay their eggs away from the sunlight in places such as thick grass, beneath floorboards, in carpets and bedding.

Why are fleas such as problem?

Both humans and animals can suffer from allergic reactions to flea bites. This is caused by a substance in their saliva that irritates the host body.

• Flea bites can be painful and can take weeks to heal. They can also be very itchy and can easily become infected.

• Flea bites can be irritating to you and your pets. Infestations can cause intense scratching which can lead to sore, broken skin and a loss of fur in pets.

• Fleas can also transmit diseases so you should try and limit your contact with them.

• Vulnerable pets can be particularly affected by flea infestations such as kittens and senior cats. This can cause serious problems such as anaemia.

How do I know if my cat has fleas?

It is a good idea to carry out a regular cat flea treatment even if you do not see any evidence of fleas. This will help to prevent fleas before they become a problem. If your pet already has fleas then you will see them scratching and licking their fur frequently.

If you comb the fur you will also see black specks of flea droppings and you may even spot an adult flea. If you do suspect fleas are present then carry out a cat flea treatment as soon as possible.

Do I need to take my cat to the vet for flea treatments?

You can buy cat flea treatment products over-the-counter. This means you can treat fleas yourself without the need to take your cat to the vet. You should choose a combination of an ingested flea treatment (such as Frontline) and also an insect growth regulator. This ingested treatment will work to protect your cat by killing any fleas that feed off them. The insect growth regulator is used to treat your home to kill the eggs and larvae.

Can my indoor cat catch fleas?

Fleas can be brought into the home on your shoes and clothing. This means it is possible for cats that live indoors to catch fleas. You should have cat flea treatment products on hand in case you need to combat fleas.

There are many benefits to cat flea treatment products. These can help to prevent fleas from infesting your home and causing you and your pets any distress.

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