Frontline Cats Products Treating Fleas and Parasites that Attack Your Pets

Fleas are common parasites that can cause distress to both pets and pet owners.Frontline for cats products can be a proactive way for you to treat those harmful parasites that attack your pets.

Why You Need to Prevent Fleas

Fleas are blood sucking parasites that can cause misery to their hosts. Flea bites can be very irritating and cause swelling, itching and sore skin. Both humans and animals can also be allergic to the flea’s saliva. This can make flea bites even more unpleasant and can make you feel generally unwell. Fleas can also sometimes pass bacteria and diseases through their bites.

Fleas are common parasites and they can quickly spread so it is important to be proactive about treating and preventing them. Regular usage of Frontline for cats products can help you to stay on top of fleas and prevent them from making you and your pets lives a misery.

How Do Frontline Cats Products Work?

Frontline cats products work in a very unique way. Instead of repelling fleas they actively work to kill them. This means that any adult fleas picked up by your cats will be killed quickly before they can irritate you pets or start laying eggs around your home.

• Frontline cats products contain a chemical that works to over-stimulate the fleas’ nervous system. This is fatal to the flea but does not harm your pets in anyway.

• Once you have treated your pets the Frontline for cats products will get to work treating existing fleas. They should be killed within 24 hours and will drop off naturally.

• You will need to use the Frontline Spot On products regularly to maintain protection against fleas (every four weeks).

• This can be combined with Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) products that can treat eggs and larvae already present in your home.

• This can help to break the flea life cycle and prevent infestations from taking over your home.

• The Spot On products will need to be applied on the skin at the back of the neck on your cats. This will ensure your cat cannot lick the product off before it gets to work

• Don’t forget fleas can be a problem all year round due to modern centrally heated homes. This means you should continue to use Frontline for cats products in the winter to maintain protection.

• Frontline cats products can also treat other parasites such as ticks.

• Ticks are also very common particularly in more rural areas that have higher wild animal populations.

• Ticks are recognised as a key carrier of diseases such as Lyme disease which can be unpleasant for humans and difficult to treat.

• Ticks will feed from both animal and human hosts so it is important to prevent against these blood-sucking parasites.

• With Frontline cats products you can treat your pets for both fleas and ticks and help to keep these nasty parasites at bay.

Frontline for cats products work hard to eradicate fleas on your pets. This fast acting treatment kills fleas and ticks before they can breed and start infesting your home.

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