Advance Information Security Certification or AIS As Important Indicator Of Your IT Skills

The certification in advance information security or AIS is issued by Security University. This certificate is awarded to students who possess requisite skills required for security risk and management prevention. The certificate is usually awarded when an individual passes a series of eight courses which deal with planning and implementation of security technologies and applications besides their building and maintenance. This is an expert or specialist level certificate which certifies an individual’s proficiency in security technologies, thereby requiring an in-depth knowledge if security applications and other relevant technologies.
How Can I Obtain An AIS Certificate?
As stated above, this is an advanced certificate in information security, thus it requires basic certification and understanding of security system, architecture, technology and applications. The individuals with this certification handle complex information risk scenarios and are responsible for the safeguard of total information security in the organization. Thus another prerequisite for obtaining this certification is aptitude in information flow and information system in an organization. Professionals who possess SAS or GIAC certificates are allowed to obtain AIS certification. Besides this, the certificate is issued only on the regular attendance of an individual in all the eight course-work modules of AIS. Each individual is expected to pass these modules with minimum passing percentage of 50% to obtain this highly coveted certification.
An individual who possess this certificate has in-depth knowledge of network penetration and testing, network firewall &VPN security, Virus analysis, patch management and response to virus incidents, detection of intrusion in the network, forensic investigations of computer besides network security policy and architecture security.
Benefits of AIS:
AIS are awarded to benchmark the professionals who can easily troubleshoot and maintain high level of information security in the organizations. With ever increasing rates of intrusions and threats to network security, more and more firms emphasis on possession of this certificate when hiring network security professionals or even the network administrators. Thus for an individual who is looking for a career in network administration or security, this certification lays a solid career foundation.
For organizations, this certificate is an indispensible indicator of skills and helps in assuring the quality of professionals who handle the network information and its security.

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