Choose Gems Stones on Birth Month and Enjoy Favors from Luck
Gems & stones are believed as mystical stones with full of spiritual power to the extent where it can make the star’s move in favour of wearer. Such mystical power is attached with identity of gemstone but it is not only the reason behind wearing of gems stones by all. Actually gems stones are called precious gemstones due to fine cuts, shine, clarity, beautiful colours etc so it is used to be mounted in pendants, bracelets and sometime also used as ring stones. However, still it is truth that its mystical power is the main reason of its popularity and acceptance by people.
With believe on such mystical power of gems stones, it is also believed that gems & stones can only give positive effect , if it will be worn according to planet position in horoscope of person otherwise it is just a normal stone and nothing special in it. But it is also not possible that everyone is known of his exact birth time so that he can get prepared his horoscope by astrologer on basis of such so a simple solution came into sight according to which ring stones can be worn also on basis of birth month of wearer. For convenience I am mentioning below such gems & stones with their associated birth months so that you can also choose your gemstones without any confusion on exactness of your birth time:
1. January– January birth stone is Garnet which comes in almost every colour and it is the reason behind its wide use in jewelry and as ring stones. It is generally believed to be fit for gifting on 2nd wedding anniversary.
2. February– Amethyst is month stone of February. It is believed that on wearing amethyst, wearer can get peace, beauty and wealth. It is famous among people as a suitable gift for 6th wedding anniversary.
3. March– Aquamarine and bloodstones are the month stone of March born people. Bloodstone is mainly taken as very quick responsive gems stones. It comes in green colour with red spots which is believed as blood of Lord Jesus. On wearing aquamarine and bloodstone, danger from water can be avoided. These precious gemstones also give good health and confidence. It is suitable to be gifted on 19th wedding anniversary.
4. April– April month born people should worn Diamond, one of the most precious gems stones. It is used widely in wedding rings with believe that it enhances love between couples. It is use to be gifted on 10th or 60th wedding anniversary.
5. May– Emerald is taken as symbol of good fortune. It is believed that it gives spiritual power to wearer to see the future. 20th and 35th wedding anniversaries are the perfect occasions when it can be gifted.
6. June– Pearl is the ring stone for June born people. However as alternative Alexandrite and moonstone are also uses to be worn.
7. July– Ruby is the gems stone which is perfect to be worn for July born people. It is perfect to be gifted on 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversary.
8. August– Peridot is the gemstone which is fit for august born people. It is taken as protective gemstone against evil powers.16th wedding anniversary is the perfect time when such precious gemstones can be gifted to someone.
9. September– Sapphire is the gemstone for September born people. It is believed that on wearing such wearer gets purity in his heart. Sapphire is gifted on 5th, 45th and 70th wedding anniversary.
10. October – Opal and tourmaline are the gemstone which can be worn by October month born people. It is belief that opal can give good rise in relations as well as in career.
11. November – November born people should born Citrine. It protects from dangers to the wearer. It is gifted usually on 13th wedding anniversary to the couple.
12. December – December month born people should worn turquoise, blue topaz or tanzanite. It is believed that on wearing turquoise, wearer gets good luck. It is perfect to be gifted on 11th anniversary.
Now whole list is in your hand, choose gems stones with ease now and enjoy good fortune.