Symptoms and Treatment Options of Liver Diseases
Liver is responsible for several functions within the body. Injuries in stomach or loss of its functions cause many harm to the body. Being body’s chemical workshop; liver is responsible for over 25% of basal metabolism of the body. Hence it is vital to safeguard liver from any type of diseases or damages. But lifestyle and dietary changes have paved way for diseases of liver.
Liver diseases affect entire body
Liver disease is interruption in function of liver, which cause illness. Liver take care of many critical functions of the body and should be saved from getting diseased or injured. This is because loss of the functions can lead to vital damages in the body. Liver diseases are also termed as hepatic disease.
Liver’s disease is wide issue covering potential problems that take place and unable liver to perform the functions. Usually, over 75% or three quarters of liver tissue has to get influenced before decrease in function occurs.
Symptoms of liver disease
Here are classic liver diseases symptoms
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Right upper quadrant abdominal pain
• Jaundice (a yellow discoloration of the skin due to increased bilirubin concentrations in the bloodstream).
• Fatigue, weakness and weight loss
However, since there are a several type of liver diseases, the symptoms is specific for the illness until the late-stage liver disease and liver failure occurs.
Treating the patients suffering from liver diseases
Treatment of liver illness dependent on the type of disease, while some can be taken care with medications and other require operation.
• Liver diseases treatment varies according to each type. For instance, hepatitis A demands supportive care for keeping the level of hydration decent while immune system of the body combats and resolves the infection. Gallstones sufferer can get relief through surgery, which removes the gallbladder. Other liver illnesses are managed by long-term medical care to control and reduce the consequences.
• Cirrhosis liver diseases treatment demands medications to control the amount of protein absorbed in the diet. The liver suffering from cirrhosis is unable to metabolize the waste products that lead to increased blood ammonia levels and hepatic encephalopathy. A cirrhosis patient has to follow low sodium diet and water pills (diuretics) for minimizing the water retention.
• Excess amount of ascites fluid is brought to level with a needle and syringe (paracentesis). A needle is inserted through the abdominal wall for withdrawing the fluid.
• Portal hypertension and for reducing the risk of bleeding is treated using operation.
• Patients with liver failure have to undergo liver transplantation.
Know more information about various liver diseases like Liver Cirrhosis, hepatitis C, jaundice and many more on online health information guide: Know the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for various liver diseases.