Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

There are many home remedies for toenail fungus, which you can easily apply and get rid of in no time. However, these home remedies can never replace medical treatment. A toenail is evident when you see that your infected nail gets thick and overgrown, and wearing shoes becomes painful. A foul odor comes from the infection site. Start the treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms.

Although it is called toenail fungus, it can occur both on the nails of both the fingers as well the toes. Here are some useful home remedies for toenail fungus treatment:

  1. Vinegar: Soak your infected toe into a mixture of vinegar and warm water in a proportion of 1:2 for about 15 to 20 minutes. This is because the fungus can act only in a certain Ph and vinegar makes the skin acidic; this prevents the fungus from growing. While trying this home remedy, make sure that you should not soak your feet too long in the acidic solution as it can make your feet very dry. Those who have very dry skin can dip cotton ball in the diluted vinegar mixture and then place it on top of the infected toe. This will spare your feet of vinegar but you still get the treatment.
  2. Listerine Mouthwash: Another inexpensive and easily available home remedy treatment for toenail fungus is Listerine mouthwash, which contains eucalyptol, ethanol, benzoic acid and thymol and is known to kill bacteria.Soak cotton ball into Listerine and place it on top of the infected toe for about ten to fifteen minutes at bedtime.
  3. Vics VapoRub: Although there is no scientific proof that Vics VapoRub is an effective home remedy for toenail fungus, many people have found it to cure their problem. The most active ingredient in Vics is menthol that can fight fungal infection. The petroleum jelly and oil present in it help menthol to penetrate the nail of the toe, when it is used over a period of time. You can apply it at bedtime on your infected toe and wear cotton socks so that the moisture in Vics does not get trapped inside the foot.
  4. Tea Tree Oil: This is a natural antiseptic, which inhibits the growth of fungus. Mix tea tree oil with olive oil and thyme oil in equal proportions and rub it on the infected nail gently. Let the application remain for another ten fifteen minutes; scrub with the help of an old tooth brush. This application might take a few weeks to cure infection; keep applying even after the fungus disappears as strains of it might remain embedded inside the nail.
  5. Nail Hygiene: When you have toenail fungus, keep your nail short and clean. Do not attempt to cut the skin around the nail too much as you might end up giving space for infected nail to grow. Keep your skin dry; in case you have to wear shoes for a long time, sprinkle an antifungal powder that will keep your skin dry. Never apply nail paint to the infected and discolored toe.

These were only a few home remedies for toenail fungus. In case you do not see any improvement in your toenail, or it gets worse in spite of the treatment, consult a dermatologist immediately.

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