Solar panel installation is my roof suitable?
Solar electricity panels offer many obvious benefits to homeowners. They offer a way to utilise the sun for a completely green and renewable form of energy and give you the opportunity to both save and make money. Sunlight is free, so you will enjoy free fuel for many years, with electricity bills greatly reduced. In addition to this, you can make excellent returns on your investment because of the Governments Feed in Tariff, which pays you for any excess energy which your solar electricity panels produce.
So the benefits of solar panels are obvious. But how do you know if your roof is suitable? Solar electricity panels can be installed on most roofs, with few exceptions. Your solar installation provider will assess your roof and consider which, if any, panels are suitable for you. Here are some points to consider when thinking about investing in solar electricity panels.
Which direction does your roof face?
South facing roofs allow solar electricity panels to achieve up to 100% efficiency, so this is by far the best option if available, and if not south east or south west solar electricity panels are almost as effective. If you do not have a south facing roof, do not worry. Solar panels facing east or west are still likely to achieve 80% efficiency and flat roofs are also effective bases for solar panels. The best angle for solar panels is between 30 and 35 degrees, but anywhere between 15 and 50 degrees is fine. Your solar installation company will assess the angle of your roof.
Solar panels work best when they are not shaded, so consider whether or not they are going to be blocked by a chimney or tree. You want your solar electricity panels to be in the sun for the majority of the day for optimum performance.
Roof space
Obviously you will need space on your roof for the solar panels. The more space you have available the more solar panels you can fit, generating a higher level of solar electricity. Your solar panel installation company will assess whether or not you have adequate space for the required number of panels for your needs. Your solar electricity panels will be placed on areas of your roof without roof light windows or vents.
Roof condition
Your solar installation will see you enjoying long-term benefits so you will want to make sure they are installed on a roof which will last. Ensure that your roof is in a good state of repair and physically strong enough to hold the solar electricity panels.
Planning permission?
Generally, a solar panel installation does not require planning permission. This changes, however, for houses which are listed, or in a conservation area or world heritage site, but permission is still likely to be granted.
Contact a solar panel installation company for more information on whether your home is suitable for solar electricity panels.