Seaweed nutrition – How it is beneficial for health?

Making oneself healthy is not just confined to consumption of vegetable nurtured on land but one can also attain health benefits through ocean vegetable. Recognized as seaweed, this ocean’s vegetable has several advantages in boosting health.

Seaweed: Powerhouse of mineral

Seaweed nutrition is recognized as ancient super food and reason behind ancestor’s health and longevity. Seaweed pulls outstanding wealth of mineral elements from the sea that can accounts to 36% of its dry mass. This sea vegetable stores iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C and A, protein, vitamins B, fiber and, alpha linoleic acid, EPA, and so much more. Seaweed benefits master over the advantages in fruits and vegetables, as it contain more vitamins. It has plenty of dietary fiber.

Seaweed benefits in raw or sun dried form:

• High protein content: from 20% in green algae to 70% in spirulina.

• High mineral content such as iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.

• More vitamin C than oranges.

• Natural iodine for healthy thyroid function.

• Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties

• Offer enormous calcium

• Seaweed nutrition prevents degenerative diseases including cardiovascular and diabetes 2. It also releases feel-good chemicals in the brain, heightens liver function and stabilizes blood sugar.

• Studies have shown that sufficient levels of folic acid in the diet are required to prevent certain birth defects, including spina bifida. Folic acid is also helpful in breaking down an intermediate dangerous chemical called homocysteine. The chemical Homocysteine can ruin blood vessel walls, and high levels of this chemical are linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. But consumption of seaweed lowers down all these health deficits.

• Seaweed is beneficial in stressful situations by supplying not just magnesium, but pantothenic acid and riboflavin–two B-vitamins are highly vital for energy production. Pantothenic acid is good for the health of the adrenal glands. The adrenals control several body functions and offer resistance to stress. When supplies of vital nutrients like pantothenic acids are insufficient stressful times can lead to depletion of the adrenal glands make human body suffer chronic fatigue, lower resistance to allergies and infection.

Seaweed benefits are blessing to human

Scientists have concluded that sea vegetables lend broadest range of minerals of any food located on earth. Western cultures are beginning to explore the nutritional value of sea vegetables but have they have great recognition in Japanese diet for centuries. In fact, sea vegetables are equipped with the nutrients found in the ocean and very same minerals found in human blood.

Know more about Seaweed Nutrition and benefits of seaweed nutrition on online health and fitness guide: Fuel the Mind. Also get information about nutrition facts.

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