Safeguard Your Ears with The Best Ear Protection
Knowing how much sound you are exposed to is vital in keeping your hearing healthy. About 30 million Americans have hearing loss. Studies show that roughly 15 percent of American teenagers are showing early signs of that condition, at an age when their hearing should be almost perfect. Every time sound levels increase by 6 dB, the impact of sound on the ear doubles. If noise is loud enough and lasts long enough, it can harm your hearing. You may not notice it right away, but the damage can become apparent later in life.
Noisy occupations, such as working in factories or on road works, used to be the most common cause of hearing problems. These days, it’s recreational loud noise that’s the main problem, especially from MP3 players and noisy clubs and music gigs. In most cases, deafness is caused due to damage to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear. Loud noise begins to kill the nerve endings in the inner ear and with prolonged exposure to loud noise, the nerve en dings are destroyed. The longer one is exposed to a loud noise, the more damaging it can be. The ear’s ability to sense loudness diminishes and as there is a loss of hearing. By the time you notice a problem in hearing, the damage may have already begun.
With noise-related hearing loss being usually irreversible, it is better to be safe than sorry. The best defense against noise-induced hearing loss is to stay out of hazardous noise areas. When spending any amount of time in a noisy environment, use hearing protection devices In organizations, wearing hearing protection devices will not only protect hearing but also aid in concentration and focus, when you work in a high noise environment. When used correctly, Hearing protection devices or (HPDs) help prevent hearing loss. Hearing protection devices like earplugs and earmuffs decrease the amount of sound that reaches the eardrum and can be effective measures to protect your hearing in noisy environments at work or at play. Although both offer adequate ear hearing protection, the key is selecting a protector that’s comfortable and convenient so you’ll actually use it.
Always remember, that the discomfort of wearing them, if any, is nothing compared to the permanent effects and discomfort of a hearing impairment or a worsened hearing loss. Don’t ignore ear problems as they are not going to get any better without proper treatment.