Google Introduces New Changes in its Privacy Policy – Making its Products More Easy to Use
Recently Google has made numerous changes to their privacy statements. If you have a Gmail account, you have received many notifications regarding these new security measures. While for many, the new security measures will be welcomed, for a few they are not. In particular those within the internet marketing industry may have some issue with how the changes impact Google Analytics.
Google has stated that their intentions are to provide consumers with more protection when it comes to personalized searches conducted via their search engine. Previously, through Analytics a user was able to track what specific keywords brought a visitor to their site. However, with the new policy, when a user is signed into any type of Google account the particular keywords they used to land on a website will be blocked from public knowledge. Now if a user wants to engage in SSL search, they simply have to sign into Gmail, Google Plus or Alters.
In a statement on how the new changes will affect Google Analytics, Google reported that “When a signed in user visits your site from an organic Google search, all web analytics services, including Google Analytics, will continue to recognize the visit as Google “organic” search, but will no longer report the query terms that the user searched on to reach your site.” If a user is not signed into a Google account specific search query will be revealed. Google rests assure that “cpc” data will not be affected in any way and that all SEO traffic will continue to be measured including segmentations, conversion rates, etc.
However, by restricting what specific keywords are used, internet marketing companies and businesses alike will have a harder time rendering what keywords bring in internet traffic. While searches do have the option to forgo this added measure of security many will not. Either they would like their data protected or more likely than not they are often signed into Google, in one way or form, majority of the time they are on the internet.
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