Samsung Byline R310 Review
The Samsung Byline R310 is a clamshell style cell phone that offers cell users some basic functions, all in an easy to use format. It has an external display, which has a clock, incoming call alert, and new voicemail alerts. It also has voice command dialing, which makes calling friends and family easy when you’re on the go.
The key features of this phone are 65K colors CSTN display, instant messaging, email, SMS, speakerphone and organizer.
The phone’s battery has 3.5 hours talk time. Currently, the phone color only comes in a red and black combination, so it looks very masculine. The Chatlink feature of the phone allows people to use the push-to-talk technology and make their phones a walkie-talkie.
-Voice command dialing
-Chatlink feature
-Built-in web browser
-Bluetooth technology
-Limited color options
-Fairly basic and low-end for more sophisticated users
-Talktime is dismal
If you’re in the market for a simple cell phone that does the most basic of functions, this is a good choice. Adding Bluetooth and a web browser really gives this cell phone a boost. Soon, it is likely that more buyers will have found the cell phone they’ve been searching for: one that’s functional as well as easy to use.
TTY/TDD stands for a group of telecommunication devices that make it easier for deaf and/or mute people to talk over telephone lines. TTY stands for telephone typewriter, teletypewriter or text phone.