Alzheimer’s Care Needs to be Provided with Enough Attention at Home

It is a stiff challenge to provide sufficient care to the Alzheimer’s patients at home. Elderly people suffer a lot under the burden of this cruel disease. Their age-related physical complicacies and mental fragility worsen their pathetic situation. Naturally, the domestic caregivers face an uphill task to provide enough comfort to the patients. Handling Alzheimer’s disease proves to be a tricky situation as it gradually eats into the memory strength and nervous system of the affected persons at home. They gradually lose their control over their capabilities to perform even the simple and day to day activities. Unpredictable behaviors can become companions of the elder patients. Alzheimer’s care undoubtedly contains several hurdles that need to be successfully overcome.

However, the family members of the patient should not lose their hope and cool over fighting with this killer disease. Patience and proper steps should be parts of the treatment regime at home. The following content have touched upon some salient features of the regime that need to be followed quite diligently. There should not be any sluggish attitude in providing comfort to the family seniors even if the disease cannot be defeated.


Providing warm and affectionate touches to the affected patients is crucial to maintain their mental health in good shape. Consistent encouragement arms the weak to regain their confidence no doubt. The caregiver should not lose his/her cool and sacrifice all hope. It is to be remembered that family elders and our parents took great trouble years back to rear us. Now, when they fall ill it is our commitment and holy duty to help them in regaining their natural health.


Preparing an attractive routine may prove to be beneficial in Alzheimer’s care. The schedule should be maintained consistently. The elder patients might have practiced performing arts, like singing or tried their hands in other creative activities during their former years. They may have a passion for certain music genre. So, when they start to lose their interest in general day to day activities they should be kept engaged in their favorite hobbies and passion on daily basis and without fail. It has also been noticed that Alzheimer’s patients often suffer from Nyctophobia. So, the caregivers should ensure that the elderly patients go to bed early at a specific time each night.

Caregivers should make it a point to give adequate time and space to the patients. They need to give the patients enough time to execute their basic tasks and allow them to take rest in between each phase. Since they struggle and stumble during their task due to poor memory power, time and rest are crucial.

It is always suggested to ensure enough protection and security for the Alzheimer’s patients at home. The doors should be properly bolted so that the patients do not come out and loiter aimlessly. Since, they suffer from loss of memory they can forget their path for coming back. There should not be any sharp-edged instrument in the patient’s room. The bathroom wall should be provided with supporting accessories so that the patient can hold upon them. Providing nutritious foods to the patients is also another key objective of the caregivers. Alzheimer’s care needs to be handled with sufficient attention.


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