What All Options You Have To Make Your Body Tan?
Whether during the summer or winter, indoor tanning presents an excellent way to keep that golden glow about you. If you’re planning on tanning outside this summer, here are some quick helpful guidelines.
Indoor and sunless tanning options are becoming more affordable than ever. During the winter, they are a fantastic way to keep up your summer tan and give you some healthy doses of UV to ward off the energy killing effects of gray skies, cold weather, and months of snow. In the summer as well they make it easy to top up your tan without spending a whole day out at the beach. Some people don’t have time for a beach trip every week, and so tanning salons make a great alternative.
However, if you have the chance, nothing beats a day out in the sun, for tanning, health, and energy. You don’t have to go to the beach to get an outdoor tan – a nice sunny patch of your backyard will work just as well as a Caribbean cruise. Getting a little sunlight pumps your body full of vitamin D, which is directly tied to mood. If you don’t get enough vitamin D you can become sad, depressed, and lethargic without really knowing why. While there are a lot of benefits to good ol’ natural sunlight, it’s not without its risks either. Here are some things to keep in mind as you tan.
First of all, make sure you’re tanning at the right time of day. Excess UV light can be very harmful and damaging to skin, and enough of it can contribute to the formation of skin cancer, so always play it safe. The best times to tan are in the mid morning and after about 2 o’clock PM. In between those times, from about 11AM to 2PM, the sun is at its highest and is shining directly through the atmosphere.
You should also keep your tanning sessions brief to avoid overexposing yourself. Studies have shown that about 15 minutes a day of direct sunlight is all your skin needs to kick start the production of melanin, which darkens your skin and forms a tan. A little more than that won’t hurt, but if you want too long you’ll be sunburned before you know it. A timer is the best way to make sure you don’t accidentally fall asleep and spend too much time exposed to direct sunlight.
If you’re worried about the risks of outdoor tanning, then maybe you would rather stick to indoor tanning exclusively. There are a lot of places in Southern Florida that offer indoor tanning, as well as other services like waxing and teeth whitening Boca Raton is the home of the Caribbean Tanning Spa, which offers all of the above and more.
No matter what you decide to do, always be safe. Just as you should limit the amount of time you spend in the sun outdoors, you should also keep your indoor tanning sessions moderate. If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything!
Beauty is hungry work, that’s for sure. Check out Bigmouth Local for local tanning salons, then treat yourself to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant West Palm Beach has everything you need, and you can find it all on Bigmouth Local.