The Benefits of Orgone Generators
Are you tired, cranky, out of sorts or often ill? Have you seen a doctor who says there’s “nothing wrong” with you – or do you just feel that your discomfort and fatigue are “just how it is” so you haven’t bothered with a doctor at all? It may surprise you to know that there is something your can do about those tired, cranky and uncomfortable feelings – and you don’t even need a doctor. The secret to improving your health lies is orgone generators.
The Need for Orgone Generators
Before we talk about generators, it’s important to understand a few things about our modern world. Here are some simple facts to digest:
A digital television emits a digital imprint of electromagnetic energy every time you turn it off. That energy can disrupt your cells and cause many different problems.
Your cell phone, mobile phone, wireless Internet and WiFi devices emit electromagnetic signals that have been implicated in brain cancer and other disorders.
Power lines, cell phone towers and smart meters all emit electro-magnetic radiation, often at levels that are barely detectable – but can have disastrous effects on your health.
Electromagnetic pollution is one of the most important and underreported problems of our times. Electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic waves have been linked to a wide variety of disorders and illnesses, including headaches, depression, anxiety attacks, panic disorders, night terrors, heart disease and even cancer. There is a way to combat the proliferation of negative energy waves. It’s called orgone energy, and it can be emitted by orgone generators.
What Is Orgone Energy?
Orgone energy was discovered in the 1930s by Austrian scientist, Wilheim Reich. Orgone is the fundamental life energy – the energy that emanates from certain types of substances, items and shapes and can combat many of the ailments and illnesses that so afflict modern humans. Generators are (usually) handmade items that resonate with a specific frequency, and that frequency (or those frequencies, because they will attune themselves naturally to specific needs) can create a shield to protect you from EMF or to attract positive energies into your home, your property and your life.
Benefits of Generators
Orgone generators and orgone accumulators serve as effective mobile phone radiation shields and WiFi radiation fields, as well as providing many other important benefits to people who live in areas where there is geopathic stress or a high level of electromagnetic emanations. Among other benefits offered by orgone generators are these:
Orgone generators protect your home and workplace from EMR. Various orgone devices, such as Geocleanse products, set up a positive field of life force energy to deaden the harmful electromagnetic rays you’ll find nearly everywhere.
Orgone products can impart the natural life force into food, water, wine and other consumables, restoring the health that has been leached out of them by modern processing and agricultural methods.
Orgone generators in your bedroom can improve your sleep, rid you of insomnia and reduce joint pain and other pain that can interrupt your sleep and leave you fatigued in the morning.
Orgone generators are widely accepted as a treatment among practitioners of alternative health therapies. If you’re tired, feeling sick or need harmony in your life, look into the many types of orgone generators and orgone products available to help you center and balance yourself.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
Learn more about Orgone Generator