Hi, I am prabhakar. Last week i have read an article about Anger Management, and i would like to share why anger is bad for our health?, We all lose our cool now and then.True, the occasional anger-induced tantrum is an inescapable part of human life, experts say.Yet there is a distinction between normal anger and anger that’s unhealthy and destructive.
“Anger, in general, is healthy,” explains Dr. Carole D. Stovall, a Washington, D.C.-based psychologist who consults individuals and corporations on issues such as anger management. “Just like sadness or happiness, it’s a normal emotion. Where people get into Mutharasan trouble is when anger becomes a behavior that is physically, verbally or emotionally inappropriate.”If somebody accidentally bumps us in the subway, that’s an irritation, but if we explode over that, it’s clearly more than that person bumping us,” explains Stovall, noting that chronic and excessive anger usually indicates deeper issues in a person’s life.
“When we’re angry, there’s damage done to the systems that keep us healthy,” says psychologist Dr. Ernest H. Johnson of Raleigh, NC, author of Brothers on the Mend: Understanding and Healing Anger for African American Men and Women. “So we’re more prone to cancer, including this prostate problem that a lot of men are going through. In the end, for many people who have problems really expressing and dealing with their feelings, there’s early mortality–dropping dead from a stroke or a heart attack, kidney disease or breast cancer.”