Expat Belize: An Agricultural Experience

Becoming an expat to Belize may seem like a daunting task. Those that enjoy the rich agricultural culture will find it worth the effort to become a citizen and work in such a beautiful country.

Belize is a lovely country located in Central America. However, Belize is very different from its neighboring countries Mexico and Guatemala. The country’s geography is very vast and beautiful with the Maya mountain range and large forests. There are also a number of swamp lands that are found near the coast. The economy is mostly made on agriculture, so expats who are interested in working this lifestyle, and becoming an expat Belize, will find a nice home here.

The overall climate in Belize is known as sub-tropical. Sometimes it can be quite humid, but not an overbearing type of humid. Temperatures in Belize usually range from fifty to ninety-five Fahrenheit, with the average year round temperature being around seventy nine degrees Fahrenheit.

Belize has a relatively low cost of living compared to other countries but is the most expensive Central American country. The currency found in Belize is the Belize dollar. A couple can live comfortably in Belize with one thousand United States dollars, which is two thousand Belize dollars.

It is especially hard for foreigners to find employment here, as the labor regulations were made to ensure that Belizeans receive most of all the employment opportunities. Expats wanting to work in Belize must have legal residency, which requires an application form to be sent in and approved. There are many fees that come along with the residency visas, depending on how long you plan to live in Belize.

It is fairly easy for expat Belize to find properties to rent in Belize. The average two bedroom home away from the city usually ranges around six hundred Belize dollars. Tenancy agreements can be either long or short term, though most agreements are made for six months to a year. Tenants usually pay for utilities themselves but not maintenance charges. Apartments may have some shared amenities, such as laundry rooms. Most homes will come equipped with appliances, but are mainly rented completely unfurnished.
While living in Belize, it is advised that you ask the locals if it is okay to drink the water. Most of the water in Belize is safe and filtered, making it usable for drinking, but bottled water is recommended, and ice should be avoided at all costs.

Belizeans are entitled to free or cheap health care services thanks to a government made by the system for government-ran hospitals found all around the country. A doctor visit can be fifteen to twenty dollars, and a hospital stay can be twenty to fifty dollars. Natural and herbal medicines are also common finds in Belize. Having bug spray is highly recommended as Belize is filled with honey bees that are extremely dangerous. Sand flies are also fairly common especially near the swamp lands. Although they do not attack everyone, receiving a bite from a sand fly can cause disease, developing sores and scars on the skin. You must go to a doctor if your bites do not heal to receive proper topical medicine. Malaria is also a common disease as is poisonous snake bites.

Get more information about Moving to Belize and Belize Real Estate.

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