Bible Study Questions
When interacting with your youth ministry there will be times when there are just a ton of Bible study questions. Use this as a time to learn about anything that you do not know the answer to. If a student poses a question that you do not know the answer to, don’t make up an answer or just gloss over. Come together as a youth group and research the answer and come up with a sensible reasonable answer that you all can agree on.
Whenever you and your youth group go over brand-new material you should always allow for a group discussion and or a question and answer session. During this time allow the students to pose their own Bible study questions that come to them during the course of the lesson, or that they have been thinking about throughout the course of the week. When your students pose Bible study questions to you, that is a great sign that you are doing a great job as a teacher and a youth leader. When they pose questions to you, that means that they are paying attention and they are at least somewhat interested in the material that you are teaching.
At the end of a Bible lesson, it is also a great time for you to pose Bible study questions to your students. When coming up with questions to ask at the end of the lesson, make sure that they are directly connected to the material that you have just gone over with your youth ministry. Bible study questions that you come up with should be interesting and should also encourage discussion between the members of your youth group.
Here are a few tips when coming up with Bible study questions.
While you aren’t expected to know everything, if you pose a question to youth ministry you should have a reasonable answer prepared if the question were to be asked back to you. If one of your Bible study questions that you ask your youth ministry is a question that will be answered with an opinion, for the sake of a great discussion, you as the leader should take a clear stance or position on the question.
Make your Bible study questions interesting and also thought-provoking. If you just taught a great lesson, and you then turn around and ask a boring questions at the end of a class, that will be a real bummer for your students who might be excited about the material that they just learned, and also a lost opportunity to get your students involved in thinking about material and also a possible great group discussion.
When asking Bible study questions you should also have a good number of them prepared to ask your students. But if your students start a debate or a great group discussion centered around one of the Bible study questions that you asked, don’t be afraid to throw out the rest of the questions and continue with a thought-provoking and interesting debate that has everybody involved.
To learn more, check out Bible Study Questions at