Different Methods of Pest Control and How They are Being Used
The subject of pest control has a long history. Rig Veda that is over 4000 years old mentions about the use of poisonous plants to kill pests. In addition, there is historical evidence to say that the Sumerians have used compounds that contained sulfur in order to kill pets 4500 years ago. In short, the use of agents against pests is as old as agriculture is.
There are occasions where human activity is responsible for animals and birds to become pests. Incidence of such problems could be controlled by making modifications to human activities. Often animals in the wild are fed by humans and later they come to human habitat looking for food. Seagulls in tourist resorts, monkeys in some religious sites and elephants happen to behave this way and not feeding them is the best solution.
Since pests destroy crops causing heavy losses to farmers, they need to be controlled or eradicated. Many different methods are being used to perform this. One of the methods used earlier was to kill animals such as rats, stray dogs and squirrels. However, this method is now seldom used. Instead, chemical repellants and such other methods are used at present. There are also traditional methods that could be used effectively. Burning the fields after sugarcane crops are harvested is a good example. This eliminates pests including their eggs.
In order to carry out pest control in households, traps are used extensively. There are traps of several types. One used against rats utilizes glue that makes the rat to be stuck to a board in order to immobilize it. Later you cold dispose the board with the rat. There are also traps that could kill rats instantly by striking it with blows. There is yet another type of trap that will allow you to catch them live and release them in their own habitat.
Use of chemical pesticides is one of the most popular methods used in agriculture. Often, farmers spray insecticides over fields of crops with planes. Gardens are sprayed with poisonous insecticides by hand sprayers. However, many criticize this method as it could cause cancer. Fogging is being used for the control of mosquitoes and flies in townships. Vehicle mounted fogging machines are driven on streets to do this effectively.
Though pest control could be controlled by killing them, the factors that help them thrive need to be eliminated first to make this process effective. It is human activity that helps provide breeding grounds to most pests.
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