How to recover RAW drive with raw data recovery tool
Do you know the way of recovering lost file? It sounds funny for some of the computer users who do not know about the data recovery. We all know how to delete a file. Convert raw to ntfs. Simply select the file and press delete button from your keyboard. The file will become invisible.Of course all of the computer operating systems have a trash that allows you to restore the deleted files. As long as you do not empty that folder, the files you wanted in it are safe. But when you empty the bin, there is no way to simply restore the file. By the time user empties the bin, he/she has forgotten what was in this. In such situations, user may fall in big trouble. It is generally so easy to forget that one project report or financial report was in the bin.
How to recover data after drive show as raw , You can select the “Recover Missing Drives” function to scan the lost partitions of an external hard drive. If the “Recover Missing Drives” cannot get the external hard drive, you can select the “Full Scan and Recover” function.
Data Recovery can also recover data from formatted, missing, lost, repartition, changed, partition table damaged or damaged partition. A Windows Partition Recovery Software that retrieves lost information/data from FAT and NTFS file system and saves it into a new file. It works on various storage media including hard drives and memory cards. It comes with a BOOT CD. This Partition recovery tool is capable of taking images of the hard drive and cloning them, apart from informing about the Drive status.
Sometimes you may fail to access your external hard drive. You can see the drive using Windows Explorer, but it shows the drive as RAW with 0 bytes of data and 0 bytes of free space. As it stated above, the function of the external hard drive is as same as internal hard drive, so its construction is also similar with normal hard drive. That means it can be separated to be many partitions by writing partition information into partition table.
The function of the external hard drive is as same as internal hard drive (or the normal hard drive). Although the external hard drive is not as fast as internal models, an external hard drive still has a lot of advantages: it is portable and it can be operated on a plug-and-play basis, and users can back up or store important data separate from the main internal hard drive securely and safely.
Partition Table is a kind of system file which contains critical information about the hard drive partitions, including the start point and end point of an external hard drive partition, file system, name, size and other important information of an external hard drive partition.
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