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The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears, as shown here. Choose the Use the Following IP Address radio button.

In the appropriate text boxes, specify the IP address and subnet mask . Do not specify the default gateway option.

Clicking the Advanced button in the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) dialog box opens the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 8.37. In this dialog box, you can configure advanced IP, DNS, and WINS settings. The other options that can be configured include the following:

The IP address that will be used. You can add, edit, or remove 70-640 Exam IP addresses.The default gateways that will be used and the metric associated with each gateway. Metrics are used to calculate the path that should be used through a network.

You can configure additional DNS servers to be used for name resolution and other advanced DNS settings through the DNS tab of the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 8.38. The options in this dialog box are described in Table 8.2.the arrow buttons on the right side of the list box to move a server up or down in the list.Specifies how unqualified domain names are resolved by DNS. For example, if your primary DNS suffix is and you type ping lala , DNS will try to resolve the address as .

primary domain DNS suffix, up to the second level of the domain name. For example, if your primary DNS suffix is Nashville.TestCorp .com and you type ping lala , DNS will try to resolve the address as . If this doesn’t work, DNS will try to resolve the address as .

Specifies the DNS suffixes that will be used to attempt to resolve unqualified name resolution. For example, if your primary DNS suffix is and you type ping lala , DNS will try to resolve the address as . If you append the addi- tional DNS suffix and type ping lala , DNS will try to resolve the address as and .

Specifies the DNS suffix for the computer. If this value is Comptia Security configured by a DHCP server and you specify a DNS suffix, it will override the value set by DHCP.Specifies that the connection will try to register its addresses dynamically using the computer name that was specified through the System Properties dialog box (accessed through the System icon in Control Panel).

Specifies that when the computer registers automatically with the DNS server, it should use the combination of the computer name and the DNS suffix.You can configure advanced WINS options through the WINS tab of the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 8.39. The options in this dialog box are described in Table 8.3.

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