MCITP Server Administrator Tools Hyper-V Manager
In the next exercise, you will proceed with the installation of Hyper-V. You must have completed Exercise 10.1 in order to do Exercise 10.2.
The install process for Hyper-V begins like most any server role install with Mcsa Exams. First click the Server Manager button, and then select Add Roles Hyper-V. At this point, if you do not meet the hardware requirements, you will be greeted with the warning shown here.
On the next screen, you can select a network card for use in your virtual network. In the example shown here, only one network card is available, so you will choose that Installing Hyper-V one. However, if you have multiple network cards and Don’t select one, they would not be set up as virtual networks.
Once you’ve completed the install process, you will be prompted to close the installer and reboot, as shown here. In Exercise 10.3, you will set up Hyper-V. To complete this exercise, you must have com- pleted Exercises 10.1 and 10.2.
To begin setting up Hyper-V, select Start Administrative Tools Hyper-V Manager. This opens the Hyper-V Manager home screen shown here.
In the Hyper-V Manager, select the name of your computer, and in the upper-right portion of the screen, select New Virtual Machine, as shown here. On the initial Configuration screen, if it’s shown, click Next. On the Specify Name and Location screen, name the virtual machine something appropriate, such as SUSE Linux. Click Next.
On the Assign Memory screen, you can pick the amount of memory to be assigned to this virtual machine. Keep in mind that this is limited by the amount of memory you possess. For our purposes, 512MB should suf?ce. Place this (if available) in your box, and click Next.
When the Con?gure Networking screen appears, you can select from the drop-down menu any virtual networks that have been created in this or any previous installs. Otherwise, there will be no virtual networks. Click Next when complete.
On the next screen, Connect Virtual Hard Disk, you can choose to either create Comptia Security a new hard disk or work from a preexisting virtual disk. In this exercise, you will create a new disk and assign 15GB. Click Next when complete.
You will install an operating system later, so select Install Operating System Later, and click Next. When the screen shown here appears and the Finish button is available, make sure you select the check box to start the virtual machine upon exiting the wizard.