Panda Hat me up!

Role playing, fancy dress, kids parties, off-piste playfulness, birthday gifts and Christmas gifts; these are only a few of the many reasons you should jump online and wrap your hands around a fashionable, yet fun Panda Hat.

This whacky animal-based trend has become amazingly popular out there, with most of us who are out and about regularly, noticing one of these unique accessories at least once a day. Some people think it a strange fleeting observation which sticks in their mind for a bit, others smile about how funny they look and realise life is too short to be serious, and many others rush to their trusty laptop, pc, tablet or iphone as soon as they possibly can, in order to discover more!

After all, most of know someone who would get much use and appreciation out of a Panda Hat, or any other animal hat for that matter. It’s a great opportunity to play the fool with your friends, create an animal-based fancy dress party concept, or even add some extra fun for your best friend on his or her stag or hen party. Just imagine your 6ft4 butch, rugby-mad, muscle-bound brother dressed up in only a mankini and a fluffy animal hat for the entire evening…


So let’s talk about quality; there is such a massive range of panda hats available online at the moment so depending on your idea of how you spend your cash, you could opt for your $5-machine-made-in-china-not-guaranteed-to-last-more-than-30 days type hats, which of course are great for a minimal amount of uses, especially on nights like the ones mentioned  above; or you could look beyond the more economical hats and spend around $30 for better quality materials and designs which are brought about by increased imagination and at least one eye on quality; to your famed Spirit Hood type hats which are essentially the ‘cream-of-the-crop’ accessory, for those of us who will not settle for anything less than the best quality for our money, with guarantees of uniqueness and local manufacture as well as longevity. Sure spending over $100 on this kind of accessory would seem insane to some people, but the panda spirit hood will undeniably last longer and remain fashionable than something that is cheap-as-chips. You really do get what you pay for when it comes to finding any decent accessory – go figure!


But hey, it’s your money and you should spend it however you want, so no matter who you are, how old you are, how big or small your noggin is, or how deep or shallow your pockets are, there is something cute and furry to invest in out there.


Make your daughter or son’s birthday a memorable one, delight your grandparents on their anniversary, turn up to your next fancy dress with a panda on your head or simply show off on your snowboard or skateboard while doing a fakie ollie or rear truck slide. It’s all about fun and laughter, and grabbing your very own panda hat is a great way to get playful like the child you are or once were.


For a comprehensive collection of fabulous hats at a price to suit everyone, click on over to The Panda Hat site and keep smiling.

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