Infant Child and Massage How That Matters

As with the advancement and new researches in the medical science many new topologies have been developed out there in the medical world. This makes us with very clear not to panic just follow the procedure in a prescribed manner. Well, here in this section we put some attention towards benefits of massages to infant child.

There is substantial scientific evidence that testify to the benefits of massage, although, as always happens, the search never stops, and many others will in future studies to further investigate and learn more about the various aspects related to this topic.

The scholar who has dealt with most of this argument is Tiffany Field, researcher and coordinator of over 50 studies on touch at the Miami Touch Research Institute, the center engaged in worldwide studies on the skin as an organ of sense.

In general, baby massage to improve the relationship between parent and child, stimulates the nervous system and vital organs, relaxes and gives relief to small discomforts. This benefits in particular thanks to the hormones that are secreted by the body during massage including Endorphins and Oxytocin. Endorphins are endogenous opioid that have the task of making the person feel less pain, but oxytocin is the so-called love hormone, involved in many aspects of the emotional life of the individual.

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Body massage also helps to lower levels cortisol, Known in turn as the stress hormone that occurs in situations of distress. Cortisol has a particular task in the body to break them into fatty acids and energy available to address the alarming situations. Nonetheless has an effect “corrosive”, says Sue Gerhardt and beautiful in his recent book “Why you should love children” there is evidence to suggest that a high level of cortisol can be toxic to brain development during the time, particularly the excess cortisol may affect the development of the orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for reading the social cues and adaptation to shared norms. The massage, lowering levels of cortisol, leads and facilitates the maturation of the nervous system of the baby, still so malleable and open to change. And ‘in its first year of life because the neurotransmitters find their routes that will set the internal biological memory of the individual.

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Growing instead of our internal systems stabilize and become relatively immutable. All types of experiences that the child does with people who care about him are set at the biological level; imagine then that may be essential experiences that occur in their first months of life since the neurotransmitter pathways are still as “virgins” and will affect, positively or negatively, the entire life of the individual. Of course you can also change in the future, but, as anyone who has tried to change their emotional reactions, the formation of new habits into adulthood is a difficult task. It would be interesting to go into the intricacies of the chemistry of our brains, but this is not the place. Simply stress that body massage, like the gentle exercise and meditation, has an extraordinary soothing and antidepressant in adults, let alone in a few months old baby whose nervous system is undergoing rapid growth.

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