Excellent Pregnancy Choices Deliver Healthy Babies
Everyone understands the basic “dos” and don’ts” of pregnancy, and that the choices you make during your pregnancy have a major effect on the health of your new baby. Often, though, people don’t make the connection between healthy babies and health children. The truth is that healthy babies are more likely to grow into healthy, happy children. They’re more likely to establish breastfeeding easily, sleep for longer periods and have fewer illnesses in their first three years. That can ease some significant parenting challenges. For example, that means that you’ll get more sleep and be more able to cope with the joys and struggles of raising a child. From timing to pregnancy nutrition to childbirth choices to breastfeeding, the decisions and choices you make before your baby is born will impact your little one for years to come.
Timing is Everything
A healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby is more likely when you become pregnant when you’re ready and not before. Teen pregnancy carries medical risks for both mother and child. They’re not insurmountable, but if you’re a teen mother, you need to be very aware of your nutritional needs and take extra care to nurture both yourself and your baby.
That little human being inside of you is dependent on you to provide all the nutrients he or she needs. Nutrients are the building blocks of strong bones, a healthy brain and nerve cells, and healthy bodily systems. Feed yourself well; whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and healthy proteins are all vital to your diet. Ask your midwife or obstetrician to recommend a nutritionist who can help you develop a healthy diet during and after your pregnancy.
Childbirth Choices
The setting and method of giving birth is a highly personal choice, but it’s a choice that should be made after considering the advice of your medical professional. Most doctors and midwives accept that natural childbirth – especially un-medicated natural childbirth – is the healthiest option in a normal labor and delivery, but there are absolutely valid reasons for choosing a different type of birth. Even among the proponents of natural childbirth, there are variations, including the popular option of waterbirth. Learn about the risks and advantages of the different approaches so that you can make informed decisions about which method of childbirth is right for you.
Every generation seems to have a different take on breastfeeding. From the 1920s to the 1970s, doctors and formula companies convinced mothers that canned formula was a healthier option for infants. In the 1970s and 1980s, most medical associations came around to accepting and advocating for breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed a newborn. By the 1990s, most doctors recommended that mothers breastfeed infants for up to one year. Some experts recommend exclusively breastfeeding babies – nothing but breast milk – for at least the first three to six months. Others suggest that babies should be weaned to milk or formula by the time they reach their first birthday.
Like childbirth, breastfeeding – whether you do it, how long you do it and whether you supplement with formula and other foods – is a highly personal decision. Educate yourself about your breastfeeding options so that you determine the right course of action for you and your baby.
The choices you make before your baby is born will help determine the course of your pregnancy and the health of your newborn. Learn all that you can and consult your medical professional to help you find the path that works for you.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
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