Selling In eBay – The Seller’s Listing Checklist
Many dropshippers and wholesalers like to use sites like to source great products to sell on eBay. Today, almost everyone is keen to make a killing on the site. It’s true that selling on eBay can certainly bring the profits in but it’s also important to sell things in the right way. One area where people make many mistakes is in their product listing.
The eBay product listing is a very powerful feature. Even the best products in the world will not make a single sale if the listing isn’t right. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when going over your product listing.
Pricing and Timing
Some of the most successful sellers on eBay are those who source from directory services like esources and price them right. It’s important to remember that eBay is an auction site, which means that your competition will be doing their best to sell the same product for a lower price. Before pricing your product, check the ‘Completed listings only’ feature on eBay using the advanced search tool. This will show you the rates that similar items have sold for.
When you’ve got an auction going and it seems like nobody is bidding, don’t panic. Most of the bids start coming in during the last half hour or so. Bidders will be keeping a keen eye on your listing and will try to bid late, in order to get the best price.
This brings us to the topic of timing. Timing is everything when selling on eBay. The longer you list, the higher the chances of you getting more bids. Before heading over to esources for suppliers of products, do a little research on peak time traffic on eBay. Understanding this will make it easier for you to time your listings to get the most bids.
Odds and Ends
Once you’ve got your product and you’re ready to sell it on eBay, check your listing and make sure that the picture is large and clear. Make sure that you haven’t posted the wrong picture either! It’s better to shoot pictures of your product, rather than use a stock photo. Shooting your own photo allows you to get a better coverage of the product. Once you’ve checked the picture, do a spellcheck. Spelling mistakes can make a very bad impression online and may even put some buyers off.
Make sure the listing is easily readable. Basic HTML is usually the simplest and clearest way to create a list. Also, make sure that your shipping and delivery policy is clearly stated. Don’t forget to state your policy on returns as well. Even if you have a no-returns policy, make sure you mention that up front. Sellers who don’t mention their return policy are usually those that end up running into trouble.
Using sites like esources are reliable for finding verified suppliers dealing in large quantities of good products. However, to ensure that these products sell well on eBay, it’s important to check and double check your listing!
Esources is reliable and offer a range of valuable and easy-to-use services. Many retailers source products from esources to sell on eBay. Double-checking your product listing is an important way to ensure that your selling tactics are successful.