Healing Ministries Overcome Fear, Stress and Sickness

Fear is a toxic emotion that results in sickness and disease. The Word of God instructs us over 365 times not to fear. This provides us with one scripture for every day of the year instructing us not to fear. There is a reason why we are told not to fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. Some say fear is faith for the enemy’s plan. Fear has also been proven by science to break down the cellular structure of the body and to create sickness. Fear is a dangerous emotion that destroys health. The online Healing Ministryprovides multiple resources that overcome sickness by overcoming toxic emotion, such as fear.

The online Christian ministries are an excellent resource for free materials including videos, articles and testimonies. It also offers seminars, DVDs and workbooks that are designed to help individuals overcome addiction, anger, hatred, abuse, self-harm and fear, which are often the issue behind sickness and disease. The teachings are applicable for children, teens and adults. The workbook has simple to understand graphics that are applicable for each age group. Parents can assist children in reading the workbook and applying the biblical truths. Overcoming these toxic emotions and experiencing freedom from fear is essential for living free of anxiety, stress and physical sickness.

Anxiety and fear are the root causes for stress. Stress is the number one cause for sickness and disease. Scientific research shows a clear connection between stress and heart disease, autoimmune disease, migraines, back pain and other illnesses. The online Christian ministries provide multiple testimonies of individuals experiencing freedom from these debilitating emotions and the resulting sickness. If you are looking for a new pathway to health and wholeness, consider the biblical truths pertaining to health. Learn how to replace fear with truth from the word of God. Learn how to handle life’s challenges with faith, rather than fear. The online Christian ministries provide prayers for deliverance in the workbook. These prayers address fear, depression, stress, Self-hatred ,addiction, rejection, past abuse, forgiveness, and more. Begin living the abundant life today, by taking a new pathway to health and wholeness.

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