Disadvantages Of Laptop
Laptops are complex computers which are small in size because of their smaller size components. All the parts of a laptop are integrated in one unit in a multifarious manner. Because of its complex design the user cannot add or subtract parts from within it easily. In other ways laptops cannot be upgraded easily and the only solution to use the advanced technology is to buy a new laptop. Another reason for their non- up gradation is that there is no industry available who can manufacture its spare parts at a affordable price. Unlike desktop computers they do not have a motherboard and a hard drive therefore it does not perform the functions of these parts. As the parts in a computer are small and less in number therefore it does not allow certain powerful software’s or program mes to run on it. These program mes include higher-end database.Visualization and the program mes related to engineering and maths.
Though the battery is a useful feature of laptop but it is also limited. At maximum one can use laptop with out power supply for five to six hours and after it one has to charge it. Efforts are being made to increase its battery time. Another disadvantage of laptops is that they are very expensive and people do not afford them and in case of any damage one has to pay a lot for the repair. All its parts are expensive and majority of them are not manufactured locally. In certain cases your laptops do not get repaired after damage as few of its spare parts are not available in the local markets. Unlike the PC”all the parts are precisely integrated within the laptop therefore it is difficult to fix or replace any of its part with out damaging other components. Laptops are portable and one can carry it to its college, classroom or in office. But as it moves from one place to another it falls and get broken down easily and then one has to pay a lot for its repair.
Laptops also cause a large number of health issues. The users place it in their lap while working so the rays that are emitted from it directly affect the health of the user. Its worse effect is the infertility especially in men. The eyesight of the regular and long term user’s of the laptop become weak and the excessive work on laptop also causes fatigue. Moreover; the long term use of laptop causes repetitive strain injury. In it person feels pain in the arms and fatigue in the whole body. In this disease the muscular and the nervous system gets affected directly. As the screen of the laptop is small therefore the user bends a bit to have a better view of the screen and hence suffer from spinal injury. In order to avoid this injury one must use a table for working. In certain cases the thigh on which we place our laptop become discolored by its emitted rays.
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