Product Insights: Bakery and Cereals in Brazil
Original Source: Brazil Bakery and Cereals Market
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This report forms a part of the Datamonitor’s newly introduced product series titled “Product Insights”. It aims to provide analysis to clients on the new product launches across various industry sectors.
*Examines new product launches in the Brazilian bakery and cereals market, segmented by key categories
*Contextualizes Brazil in the new product launches globally
*Identifies the key players in the market leading the new product launches
*Provides an analysis on the new product launches by leading flavors, claims, packaging and price points
Globally, Brazil ranked 12th in terms of the number of new products launched in the bakery and cereals market in 2009.
Around half of the new product launches were in the cookies category alone. Cakes and pastries was the second most popular category, contributing to about 25% of new product launches.
In 2009, chocolate emerged as the most popular flavor/fragrance among all new bakery and cereal products launched in Brazil, while plastic was the most popular packaging material.
Reasons to Purchase
*Assess product innovation trends in your market
*Learn from successful new product launches
Table Of contents
Catalyst 1
Summary 1
New product launches: a global perspective 2
New product launches in Brazil 2
Product launch analysis 2
Product launch analytics 3
Market data analytics 3
Definition 4
Table of Contents 5
List of Figures 6
List of Tables 7
Overview 8
Key trends driving new product launches globally 8
Rise of private-label bakery brands 8
Increasing health-consciousness among consumers 9
Rise of comfort food 9
Convenience 10
Increasing impulse purchases 10
Growth of premium artisanal bakery products 11
Demand for greater variety 11
Local taste plays a dominant role in product introduction and success 11
Increase in ‘ethnic’ products 11
The rise of the vegetarian 12
New product launches by bakery and cereals categories 13
Comparison with leading countries 14
Examples of innovative launches 15
Overview 17
Key trends driving new product launches in Brazil 18
Children are a significant consumer segment 18
As per Datamonitor’s analysis, children up to the age of 15 make up a significant consumer segment, as they account for more than 20% of all consumption in the Brazilian bakery and cereals market. Additionally, considering the influence that children have on the purchase decisions made by their parents, they are the major drivers of growth in this market. Realizing this, manufacturers, especially in the breakfast cereals category, have used packaging and promotional activities to attract consumers in this age group; for example, Kellogg’s launched a limited edition cereal using Disney’s Hannah Montana brand to target younger consumers. 18
This trend also plays a significant role in the cookies category, in which ‘kids’ was the second most popular claim for new products launched. 18
Increasing health consciousness 18
An emerging middle class 20
The benefits of the economic expansion and industrial development projects undertaken by the Brazilian government during the last decade have filtered down to all classes, especially due to the improved employment opportunities and the accessibility of consumer credit. Thus, despite the huge economic inequalities present in Brazilian society, a new middle class is rapidly emerging in Brazil. The figure below depicts the rise in the percentage of households that are part of this emerging middle class in Brazil. 20
This trend is expected to continue in the future as well. This new middle class consumer group has an appetite for consumption, and also possesses a high share of purchasing power. Thus, a large number of new product launches are targeted at this growing consumer segment. 20
Decreasing brand sensitivity and higher value consciousness 20
Declining household size and an increase in the number of households 21
Growing elderly population 22
Rising demand for convenience food 23
The large Brazilian cookie market 23
Category growth versus launch analysis 24
Segment growth versus launch analysis 25
Leading players and their product launch trends 26
By flavor and fragrances 29
Overview 29
Top flavor/fragrance: chocolate 31
Product examples: chocolate flavor/fragrance 33
By packaging material 34
Overview 34
Top packaging material: plastic 35
Product examples: plastic packaging 36
By price points 37
Overview 37
Product examples 38
Price point: economy (less than BRL5) 39
Price point: premium (above BRL5) 40
By claims and tags 41
Overview 41
Top claim: no trans fat 43
Product examples: targeting health conscious consumers 45
Methodology overview 47
Primary sources of data 47
Secondary sources of data 47
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