Do you have a contact address?
There was an old story which explains the importance of clarity in reaching a place. One day a stranger was travelling in a forest. He came to end of the forest and find multiple paths leading to different villages. He was confused and looking for some sort of guidance. He looked around and was searching for a source who could guide him. In his search he found an old man sat under a tree. With a greater enthusiasm he reached that old man and he introduced himself and was asking: Dear grandfather could you help me by telling which route leads to which village. The old person saw him from top to bottom and in a pleasant way he replied to the stranger: dear child may I know where exactly you want to reach. After a while he said, “ I am not clear about where to go”. The grand person smiled and said, “Dear, now you have an option to choose your way. It doesn’t worst your situation than what you are in”.
The above story is in much use in explaining the importance of focused destiny and goal. The trainers in this area says that we should design an address to our destiny and that should become our contact address. How greatly they said! Yes, one should have a desired goal and should maintain focus on that goal with a passion to achieve and zeal to make dreams true. If you see the inner life pages of Bill Gates, Dhirubhai Ambani, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton they were not even scholars and dropped out from school also. But, the kind of passion and zeal they carry makes them contact address of greatest achievements and inventions. A clear destiny at an early age obviously helps you in building your career and filing it with flying colors. Defining career goal and destiny doesn’t come in a day. It should be equipped with behavior, skill and a right attitude which turns and ordinary mind into learning mind which leads to activation of subconscious mind system where one can sore millions of GB data.
Here one should speak about importance of human mind and how it receives training and how much it is willing to learn. The best example is difference between Arjuna and Dhuryodhana. Dhuryodhana was given good advices to not to start war but he refused to listen all those things and started war to abolish Pandavas. Krishna advised Pandavas and Arjuna especially which leads them to pure success.
So, seeking guidance, accepting others experiences as lessons and keeping the mind open to learn will takes you to the victory and helps you to create your own contact address. That is for what one comes to earth else there shall be no difference between a man and an animal. The great philosophers says always know thy which can answers millions of questions.
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