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6. How countless bits are there in an IPv6 address, and how a great number of total 16-bit words? (A 16-bit word is four hexadecimal characters separated by a colon.) (Opt for two.)
A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 16 words
E. 8 words
F. 32 words
Answer: C, E. An IPv6 address consists of 128 bits,mcse 2008
which are represented applying 16-bit words. Dividing 128 bits by 16 bits per word yields 8 words.
17. Which of the following addresses could be valid representations of a one of a kind IPv6 address noticed in the IPv6 space? (Choose all that apply.)
A. ::
B. ::1
C. FF00:2001::12FF:55BC
D. 2001:4989::
E. 2001:4989::C0A8
F. 2001:4989:G1B5
Answer: D, E. The selection :: is all zeros (128 of them) and will not be assigned to a host. ::1 would be the reserved loopback address and will not be assigned to a host. Any IPv6 address beginning with FF00 is really a multicast address and can not be uniquely assigned to a host. The choice 2001:4989:G1B5 is not valid because the character G will not stand to get a worth in hexadecimal. Options D and E are in fact the same address, 1 applying mcse course
the ever-popular dotted decimal integrated address, and the other would be the hexadecimal representation on the exact same address.
18. Which of the following are valid IPv6 address kinds? (Pick 3.)
A. Unicast
B. Simulcast
C. Anycast
D. Multicast
E. Broadcast
F. Staticast
Answer: A, C, D. There isn’t any such IP address variety as simulcast or staticast. Broadcast is an IPv4 address kind. Unicast may be the one-to-one address kind. Anycast will be the one-to-one of a large number of address variety. Multicast may be the one-to-many address type.