Why Is Heli-Skiing One Of The Coolest Sports Around?

Heli-skiing has changed the way people ski. There are many reasons why it’s possible to ski in dream conditions, and why it’s gradually becoming more and more popular. Helicopter evolution has brought these vehicles down in price, while weather pattern and GPS technology allows pilots more freedom than ever before.

When someone returns from a ski trip, there is one question that gets asked before the rest: how was snow? Snow is the one variable that’s hit or miss, and it can determine the quality of the experience. Sometimes, even on remote mountains, there isn’t very much snow at all, and there’s even the possibility you’ll be skiing over barely covered patches of rock. When it snows a lot, and it’s a good light powder, it normally brings out a ton of people, and the runs get crowded. There is only one way to avoid all of this, and that’s with heli-skiing.

When a helicopter takes you to a virgin peak, you know the snow is going to be ideal! It’s impossible for it not to be. You are literally being consorted to the best ski conditions imaginable, where nobody else is, impossibly remote and serene. It is a skiers dream. Heli-skiing outfits only operate in the middle of snow belts, as they don’t want to have to take you super far on the helicopter, so you are guaranteed to get the best powder. Also, you won’t be following in anybody’s tracks! Each turn you make will be in new snow. You’ll likely be in a small group, the people who you shared the helicopter with, and that’s who will be on the mountain with you. You don’t see a chairlift shuttling people up the mountain, not are there reckless snowboarders or snow-plowing children slowing you down. It’s just you and the mountain!

This enables you for the kind of communion with nature you don’t get in any other kind of skiing. It’s impossibly quiet and remote, and every turn involves a certain amount of discovery since every trail is new to you. It’s not like going down the same runs you’ve done in years past. Heli-skiing is more like what people had in mind when the concept of skiing first began, but they didn’t yet have the technology or the will to get people there. When people dream about skiing up in the mountains, they don’t have a busy resort in mind, but for years that’s been the only option.

Heli-skiing has been around for a couple decades at least, but it’s not just for fringe extreme people anymore, as more skiers are taking it up. While you wouldn’t do it if you were just beginning to ski, you don’t need to be an expert skier to have a go at it. Any reasonably experienced skier can do it; you just have to make the effort to arrange a different kind of trip. It takes a certain intrepid spirit to take skiing up to the next level, but it’s an incredible thing to do and nobody regrets doing it once they’ve been up there!

Looking for a winter ski experience you will never forget? Visit Canadian Heli Skiing at http://canadianheli-skiing.com to discover how you can break away from lines and lifts of traditional resorts. At http://canadianheli-skiing.com/hubmedia.html you can check out pictures and footage and see what having a mountain to yourself is like.

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