1Z0-520 practice papers
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Oracle EBS R12.1 Purchasing Essentials 1Z0-520 exam
Purchasing Administration
Identify Purchasing administration and maintenance tasks
Identify key concurrent processes
Describe implementation considerations for purchasing administration
RFQs and Quotations
Create RFQs
Create quotations
Identify key reports related to RFQs and quotations
Describe setup options for RFQs and quotations
Describe implementation considerations for RFQs and quotations
Free 1z0-520 Demo Download
Select the best business practice for a supplier that is being newly added to the Approved Supplier List.
A. Allow PO Approval, Sourcing, Schedule Confirmation and Manufacturer Link
B. Allow PO Approval, Sourcing and Schedule Confirmation but not Manufacturer Link
C. Allow PO Approval, Sourcing and Manufacturer Link but not Schedule Confirmation
D. Allow PO Approval, Schedule Confirmation and Manufacturer Link but not Sourcing
Answer: C
Which three financial options can be defaulted when you enter a new supplier? (Choose three.)
A. Ship Via
B. Default Buyer
C. RFQ -Only Site
D. Bill-To Location
E. Supplier Classification
F. Payment Bank Account
Answer: A, C, D
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