Mosquito Control Atlanta – How To Control Mosquitoes
It is no longer a mystery as to why mosquito control in Atlanta is such an important issue, with a number of potentially serious diseases that are transferred by these pesky little creatures it becomes more important than ever that we make sure that we keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from being bit. Because you cannot use a single method to totally control mosquitoes it is important that you be prepared to employ several methods of mosquito control in Atlanta to ensure the best coverage possible.
Mosquito control in Atlanta starts with eliminating the breed grounds for these insects, mosquitoes need standing water to lay their eggs so you will need to go around your home and to the best of your ability eliminate any open sources of standing water such as old tires, swimming pools, small ponds, clogged gutter and bird baths. While it may not be practical or feasible to eliminate all sources of standing water the more you are able to eliminate the less problems you will have.
Once you have eliminated all the sources of breeding grounds to the best of your ability, you will then need to look at having the area around your home sprayed especially if there are still areas where mosquitoes can lay their eggs. Mosquito dunks are a larvacide that is especially designed to stop the larvae from maturing to adults; this can be especially helpful if you do have ponds or other sources of water where mosquitoes might breed. While you can use these types of sprays yourself for mosquito control in Atlanta, it can be helpful to have professional that understands the best use of each spray do it.
Still you may have mosquitoes come on to your property, while you can control what happens where you live you cannot control your neighbor’s property nor can you control when you leave your home and go elsewhere. Mosquito control in Atlanta does not stop here, repellants may be necessary when you go out especially in the evenings, there are sprays and lotions you can use, or you can use citronella candles and torches which will provide you will a small area where mosquitoes will not go.
Mosquito traps or magnets may be used to trap mosquitoes as well, taking them out of the environment rather than just repelling them. There are also machines available that put out a non toxic mist in a small perimeter that can help kill or repel mosquitoes, these are known as foggers and are effective for short term relief. You can also set up bat houses if you live in an area that is known for bats, these little creatures favorite food is mosquitoes so encouraging them to come share your yard can be a great way to keep the mosquito population down especially if you are looking for natural solutions.
Forsythe Exterminating can help you with a complete solution to your mosquito control in Atlanta by helping you eliminate the breeding grounds and large populations of mosquitoes that may be plaguing you and your family.