Orchid Plants Are The Flowers Of Heaven

Mother nature has created one of the most beautiful things on earth and that is a flower. Flowers are loved by all. The colorful flowers can make you feel happy with their fragrance. Orchids symbolize beauty. They differ from other flowers in their smell and appearance. Orchids are of different varieties.

Orchids are really intriguing, exotic, flamboyant and beautiful. The orchid is said to be the most privileged group of flowers on earth. Botanist believe that lilies are the nearest relatives of this group. They have many similar characteristics as lilies. Orchids are herbs which are evergreen and perennial. The orchid plants vary in size. They may be very small or very big.

Botanically the Orchids are classified as a plant group belonging to the Kingdom-Plantae, order is Asparagales, family, Orchidaceae and genus is Orchis. As I have mentioned before there are many types of orchids. Each and every variety of Orchid has its own beauty.. The types of orchids differ in appearance, size, physical characteristics, and intensity of smell, color etc Some are seasonal while others mgrow throughout the year.

The most common type of orchids are Anguloa Orchids, Cattleya Orchids, Cymbidium Orchids, Laelia Orchids, Dendrobium Orchids, Phalaenopsis Orchids, Paphiopedilum Orchids, Oncidium Orchids, Vanda Orchids, Epidendrum Orchids, Brassia Orchids, Bulbophyllum Orchids, Catasetum Orchids, Sophronitis Orchids, Miltonia Orchids and Phaius Orchids etc.

Orchid plants are highly adaptive, growing in almost every country of the world. Tropical countries like South America, Asia have a wide variety of orchids. But some types of orchids may be found only near Arctic and Antarctic areas.

The orchid flowers are a visual delight. They can also be given as gifts. Orchids are also used for decoration and beautification. There are people who like agriculture are involved in Orchid culture.

Whatever some critics say, orchids are the most amazing type of flowers. They are symbols of grace and beauty. Orchids enhance the mood of celebration. Orchid flowers are also available now on the flower stores worldwide. These flowers are popular among all people across the world. It is not possible to get all varieties of orchids in one place. You will however get some common varieties everywhere. You can choose the variety according to your budget and liking. Make a beautiful bouquet of orchid flowers and give it as a surprise gift. You will make your partner feel privileged with a bouquet of orchids. You can also cultivate these beautiful flowers. Your garden will look different from others.!

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