Free Website Traffic And Make Your Marketing Dream Come True
If you want to increase the income from your business website by increasing the website traffic on that website, then you should aim to get listed on page one by traditional search engines. You might assume that getting your page on the first page of the results page of a search engine is a difficult task But do you know it is not as difficult as you think? Many people try to enrich their site content and size and it take a lot of hard work. You will shortly discover some easy tricks to put your site on the first page of search results Follow the instruction below that will make your marketing dream come true.
It is advisable to keep in mind that those sited which have new and unique content are preferred by Google and other search engines. If your web site is not huge and doesn’t have substantial content then you might not feature on the first page of a Google search But read on below to find out how you can make this work easier with some concentrated work.
Selection of the Right Keyword is very important. The keyword which is most connected to what people want to search for is most preferred by them. So at first you should select your niche and then a good keyword which has a good chance to be searched by the online users. Unique keywords with less competition are easily found with the help of the many free tools available. It is not easy to get a better rank than the many competitors that a common keyword will have. Those keywords which do not have much competition are more likely to ensure that you are listed on page one. Google Adword is one such tool which can help you find such keywords. After finding a niche keyword it is time to take the next step.
Prepare at least 10 articles using your keyword and associated keywords. You need to ensure that theses articles are not lifted from someone else’s articles. Post one article once every 3 days to your site and then to the leading article directories, after they have been checked using Copyscape. It is easy to find an article directory on any search engine. The large amount of information on article directories make them much preferred by search engines. Posting articles along with good keyword selection will bring you links back to your site and the search engines like links. Your article will be picked up and posted along with your resource box on other sites by their owners. Traffic to your site will increase when visitors to high traffic sites click on your link placed on those websites. The traffic on your site increases when there are more links and this increases the likelihood of a page one listing for your website on search engines. The icing on the cake is that article marketing is usually free.
Social bookmarking is a good way to bookmark your site for internet users; Enrol on the good sites like Digg, Reddit and stumble on, and provide your link. When your selected keyword is searched for, these sites place your article in front. All you need to do this is place you article somewhere online, either your web site or article directory and then link to it to the social bookmarking site.
Do as advised above, and your website will get visitors for free. Everyone would like visitors to their website at no extra cost. More visitors to a website can increase the income from the site. You can reach the pinnacle if you put in an effort to use the free traffic system described above.
Read more articles by the author on Free Traffic and website traffic.