Jewish Dating

Being Jewish in America means collected things to different citizens in different places. Jewishness is a number of times felt as an labeling with an ethnic and cultural bracket as much as with a religious faith. Then add to the mix the difference between growing up Jewish in a big city like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles and being raised in a small town.

Urbanites can take for granted the 24/7 availability of Jewish food, theater, educational and cultural organizations and houses of worship. Small towners may feel the unique bond that exists in a tight-knit, an outnumbered group community. The result? Varying perceptions by non-Jews and a wide range of self-definition by Jews. These factors raise issues in each facet of Jewish life, including dating.

The close-knit sense of community that’s a big part of the Jewish culture is most clearly reflected within individual families. There are many helpful elements to the cultural stereotype of a Jewish family – warmth, lots and lots of love, unconditional support, and deep, intense family values (The food can be pretty terrific, too). It can seem like an over-the-top free for all sometimes, and even when you grow up in the core of a big, close Jewish family, like I did, it can take a lifetime to get used to. When Jews date non-Jews, this can give the impression a bit overwhelming to someone who might have grown up in a more emotionally restrained environment.

When I’ve dated Jewish men, sometimes there’s an immediate feeling of familiarity, even if we’ve just met. A connection is made, based on a sense of collective history and heritage. But at the bottom line, a connection is about two individual people, and there has to be more in common than just the fact that both are Jewish. If a close attachment does occur, even if neither person is particularly religious, shared Jewish customs and values can help form a solid foundation in building a lasting relationship. This common association is one of the benefits of Jews dating and marrying each another. Marrying within the religion also ensures the continuance of the Jewish people, since their children will naturally be Jewish.

There are a lot of great Jewish dating services out there. This is one I have used to meet my husband:

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