Unique and Eco-friendly Business Card Ideas

It has been repeatedly said that in order to have a successful business, you need to incorporate a good marketing strategy. True enough, many business owners have followed this idea. They used every possible strategy, from emails and Facebook to post cards and brochures, but still many businesses are unable to reach the success they desire. What could possibly be wrong?

The answer to that may be simple. Have they ever considered the simple marketing power of business cards? Probably not. Unknown to many people, the modest business cards have long been an important and successful marketing tool. Even prominent people with the likes of Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and others use business cards to widen their market reach.

As much as possible they create artistic and memorable business cards to encourage people to keep their card. They don’t only use eye catching colors but also captivating shapes and folding.  Others use embossed design while others make sure that their business cards are strong enough to withstand wear and tear.

A growing trend today is eco-friendly business cards. In the past, politicians and business owners simply create captivating cards. But today emphasis has been placed in the environment with the global environmental problem the whole nation is experiencing. In this case, the most viable option is to go paperless, right? True. But in today’s highly competitive world, it is still viable to hand out something to people to introduce yourself and give them an idea on your products and services.

Your other option today is to print eco-friendly business card. You can use make your own eco-friendly design or hire a professional to do the print job for you. There are a lot of printers today that offer affordable eco-friendly business cards. Here are some examples of these environment-friendly cards:

Rubber stamp. With a rubber stamp, you can easily stamp your contact details in a cardboard, flyer, envelope, receipt or any other scrap material that you have in hand. This is like recycling. You get to reuse the materials which otherwise might have ended up in the trash.

Peanut business cards. Peanuts are biodegradable. They are organic and green. They can easily decompose. You can print your name and contact numbers on the surface of the nut using no complicated business card templates. You can also consider placing your logo in it and hand it out to your target customers.

Mini house plant business cards. There are business cards today that feature a growing plant. The concept of the card is that when the bottom end of the card is dipped in water, the plant grows in three to four days. This type of card will surely encourage people your card on their table.

Leaf business card. In this type of card, the information is laser cut into the leaf. Your business name, contact numbers, and logo are etched into the leaf. No paint is required. The idea may be simple, but the result is brilliant and magnificent to look at, especially against the sunlight.

All these ideas don’t necessary have adverse effect on the environment. If you want to help save the environment and attract tree-huggers as your customers, then it’s time you go eco-friendly in your business cards. Not only are these type of cards good for your business and the environment, but they can also be enjoyable to look at. You will find them both inspiring and fun to create.

This writing provides information and tips to the readers about the eco-friendly business cards.

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