Business Card Printing: Beyond the Basics

No matter what your profession is, you can benefit a lot from doing a little networking in your life and your business. Using people and networking is how many business owners become rich and successful. So, why not take advantage of networking to bring your own business to success.

One good strategy to use in networking is the business cards. The business card is actually one useful item you can leave behind your target customers who you want to connect with. Anytime these people need your products or services, they have your contact information at hand. Usually, business cards contain the following information: name, business name, contact numbers, address, logo, email, website and other important contact details.

Many important people of history trusted on the business cards to long before they became prominent people in society. Among them are:

Franklin Roosevelt. He is the 32nd president of the United States. Long before he became president, he was a lawyer. He used to hand out his law firm’s business card back then to prospective clients.

Bill Clinton. The interesting thing about his card is that is it bigger than other cards in the market. This is to say that his cards simply go with his controversial and larger than life personality.

Henry Kissinger. He is the 56th Secretary of State of the United States. He always writes “with the compliments of” in his business card.

Abraham Lincoln. The 16th president of the United States is known for his sense of humor. In this re-election bid in 1894, his business card stated that he will be returning to Springfield to “swap horses, dispense law, make jokes, split rails, and perform other matters” if he lost his bid.

If you truly want to become known in the market, you might want to learn some important pointers from the business cards of these prominent people. But to get you started, here are innovative ideas you can use to create one exceptional business card:

1. Coupon business cards. This is a growing trend nowadays. Business cards actually make great coupons. You can print the coupon at the back of the card, which your customers can present upon visit to your store. Creating a coupon card is as easy as making a double sided business card. Just use good business card templates to produce remarkably enticing card.

2. Ticket business cards. If you have an upcoming event or promotional activity, you can use your business cards as ticket. A professionally designed and printed ticket business card will surely encourage people to go to your event and check out what you have to offer.

3. Hang tag business cards. Backing up your products with a hang tag business card is a great way to give people your contact details. A colorful and eye-catching tag will ensure people keep your contact details for future use.

The possibilities in creating compelling business cards are actually endless. You simply need to use your imagination to transform a seemingly ordinary card into an exciting and captivating card. Who knows, your business card today will be something to be included in the pages of the nation’s history in the future. So, why not make the best of it and design it in the most artistic and striking manner.

This article is projected to give the readers information about how to make effective business cards.

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