How Corporations Achieve Sustainability Goals By Increasing Their Waste Diversion Rates
Natural resources are being consumed at a phenomenal rate, and the impact of human consumption is being felt across the globe. The debate on whether or not the changing of Earth’s weather conditions is solely natural or caused by humans doesn’t affect the fact that natural resources are being depleted at an incredible rate. Even those who firmly believe the elemental shift we are experiencing is natural cannot deny that conservation of natural resources is imperative to maintaining our amazing planet.
In recent years this thought has become mainstream and it is now in large corporations’ best interest to be ‘green’ as consumers are now expecting environmental care to be used in their daily processes. Many businesses have now adopted sustainability policies and goals. These goals are achieved through a variety of means, including ensuring that they divert as much waste as possible from going to landfill. Corporations such as commercial office towers or large facilities which house many independent companies need to do their part in terms of ensuring that they operate in the most sustainable manner possible.
Individuals who are concerned about environmental care cannot see how these facilities operate (like they can with independent companies that must make their processes public) and therefore it is difficult to put pressure on them to be more environmentally responsible. More importantly, they create huge amounts of waste. A shopping centre with hundreds of stores can create tons of waste on any given weekend, and office complexes generate tons of paper-based waste on a daily basis.
One way these facilities work to achieve their sustainability goals is by increasing their waste diversion rate. The diversion rate is essentially the percentage of a facilities’ total waste that is diverted from disposal. In other words it is the percentage of produced waste that doesn’t end up as garbage as landfills, but rather gets recycled and turned into new products. For example a diversion rate of 50% means that half of all the ‘garbage’ that is generated and ‘thrown out’ never goes to a landfill and is instead recycled in an environmentally responsible manner.
This is where a waste management company comes into play. The architecture required to organize the waste of 100 independent stores in a given complex is not a simple task, and building managers do not have the time, resources or experience required to handle such a task. In the past when all waste ended up in the (then) seemingly limitless landfills, waste management was just a manner of ensuring scheduled pick-up. Now there is a sorting and storage process that must be considered for large facilities in order to divert their waste from landfill.
Only a professional waste management firm can help you not only reach your diversion goals, but exceed them. Furthermore they can help save you money by making your waste management process as economical and environmentally friendly as possible. Whereas once upon a time environmentally friendly meant increased costs, a professional waste management company can help you to save money while helping the environment, perhaps creating the ultimate win-win situation.
When looking for an eco friendly way to get rid of recyclable materials from your facility, reach out to today. This commercial material recovery specialist will ensure that all your packaged materials are effectively recycled and handled properly in an environmentally conscious manner.