Do you like to have a nap when you are working or doing some thing?

Do you like  to have a nap when you are working or doing some thing? If you like, I want to tell you, you  are quite right. According to a survey that a brief nap could boost people’s memory Researchers at The City University of New York found that having a brief sleep improved people’s ability to remember things. Volunteers were told to memories pairs of words. All in all that if links of london outlet you have a nap when you are tired, it is very helpful for your healthy. When they were tested straight afterwards and six hours later, those who had been allowed a nap of up to one hour before the retest achieved 15 percent higher score than the volunteers who had not been allowed to go to sleep. The researchers told New Scientist magazine: “usually, time devoted to day napping has been links of london friendship bracelets considered.” But they added that it at the present seemed that sleep was “a significant mechanism for memory configuration”. The study was published in the periodical Neurobiology of  Learning and Memory, the magazine said.

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