Grower Resources for Marketing Produce
The number one resource a grower has for marketing produce is their produce marketing professional. This relationship is of just as much importance as the natural resources a farmer trusts to help his or her crops flourish. When farmers focus on what they do best (grow produce) and trust their produce marketing professional to let as many people as possible know how wonderful that fruit and vegetable yield is, success results. Consider that marketing representative to be as vital to your company’s growth as sunlight and irrigation is to your plants, and you’ll continue to succeed.
Trust your produce marketer to:
– Tell your company’s unique story. Marketers do more than simply get the right fruit or vegetable yield selected by the right retailers, thought that is an extremely important part of the relationship. They also tell all about the highlights of your farm – whether it’s family-owned or focuses on a certain fruit or vegetable, or if it’s completely organic and sustainable. To set your produce apart from the other ones loaded onto the flatbeds and stacked inside the refrigerated trailers, they put a face to those apples, pears, green beans and avocados. Thanks to the produce marketers in America, people shopping in their local grocery store may look for a sticker on that orange or plum to see if it was grown at a farm they trust. Without the help of the produce marketers, shoppers would have only one way to know whether the onion or potato they pick up to examine is worthy of consumption: first impressions. Marketing your company puts another aspect into the buying process for consideration. With that in mind, your produce becomes more than just another tomato or another sprig of parsley. It carries the name of your farm, and thanks to the produce marketer’s work, that carries weight.
– Tell the story about your particular produce. Produce marketers and advertisers are responsible for those blueberries in the cereal bowls and the articles with titles like “Twenty ways to incorporate onion into your meals” and “Kale: The New Superfood!” By letting the dietetic and wellness community know about the nutritional makeup of each type of produce, the story is told about the blueberries that have anti-cancer properties and the leafy greens that contain calcium and fiber. The more the public knows about the produce in their stores, the more likely they are to want to purchase it.
– Be ‘in the know’ about all things produce. That means transport, and that is great news for many growers who are unsure about whom they should contract with to carry their precious crops. A produce marketer usually has suggestions in that realm, as they have likely been around this industry for a long time. Listen to your produce marketer and enjoy the growth of your farm and of your foodstuffs. After all, you have a very high calling
– you feed perhaps millions of people throughout America and even perhaps around the world. Yours is a very important venture. Let your produce marketer make it as successful as possible.
The author has an immense knowledge on grower resources. Know more about produce marketing, marketing produce related info in his website