Why You NEED to Be Using An Automated Article Submitter

Building backlinks is the most tedious part of SEO-driven marketing efforts, so it’s doubly important to make the most of everything you do; article marketing in particular is one of my favorite options, because you can easily triple or quadruple the benefit of a single article with little additional effort.

Article Marketing
If you’re not already familiar with it, article marketing consists of writing an article of approximately 450 – 750 words on a specific subject, and submitting it to free online article directories. An article directory is simply a website that is made up of nothing but user-submitted articles (as well as advertisements.)

Anyone can take the articles and reuse them on their own website or blog, provided they don’t alter the article and do credit the original author. The benefit for you as a marketer is that most directories allow 2 – 3 dofollow backlinks at the bottom of the article.

Some of the best known article directories are:

– EzineArticles
– ArticlesBase
– GoArticles
– ArticleAlley
– Buzzle
– SelfGrowth
– iSnare

This is just the beginning – there are litterally THOUSANDS of directories on the Internet, and nothing to say you can’t submit the same article multiple times. And at two backlinks a pop, you’re starting to look at some very significant numbers.

The problem? It’d take about the rest of your life to submit ONE article to all those thousands of directories. You have to register an account for each one (including email confirmation,) format the article according to the site’s guidelines and submission standards, add or subtract based on minimum/maximum word requirements, figure out which category best suits your article (and trust me, they’re ALL organized differently,) plus deal with whatever additional errors and flukes happen to come up. It’s tedious, it’s a headache, and the benefits in no way justify the amount of time spent.

This Is Where Submission Tools Come In Handy
Don’t discount all those potential backlinks just yet, though – after all, this article is about the perks of article marketing, not the evils.

Of course, where there are article markteres, there are article marketing tools and services. Even if you’re a cheapskate marketer who uses every free tool in the (SEO) book to get things done, this is the one thing you don’t want to skimp on. There are free tools, yes, and in later articles I’m even going to describe a few of them to you, but they don’t even come close to matching the results the paid services will bring you.

Dollar for dollar, an article marketing product is going to be your greatest internet marketing investment. Now I must confess, I didn’t always think along these lines. If you’ve spent time in the past looking around for these kinds of tools, you’ve no doubt experienced some degree of frustration at the futility of the search. The truth is, I didn’t use to recommend this kind of IM tool because a satisfactory one just didn’t EXIST. That was before Article Marketing Robot, however. This article submitter is unsurpassed in speed, functionality, ease of use, and the sheer volume of quality backlinks it can create for you, plus the price is unbeatable. Check out my website for a full review of the software, and how to use it to put your SEO on steroids.

CB Michaels is a veteran internet business owner and generally utilizes article marketing methods to assemble gainful websites. Stop by his site for fresh information on Article Marketing Robot Review and article marketing automation.

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