Wisdom Teeth

Last teeth to erupt in the mouth are wisdom teeth. Technically they are called the 3rd molars, because they erupt behind the 2nd molars in the mouth.There are three categories of wisdom teeth namely Erupted, Partially Erupted, Unerupted(Impacted).

Wisdom teeth may cause four possible problems:

Gum Disease:
This generally happens because these partly erupted teeth are difficult to keep clean, and the accumulated food particles cause the gums around the tooth to get infected.

It sometimes happens that there is not enough space in the mouth for these teeth to erupt.

A wisdom tooth may decay unnoticed, as they are the most difficult teeth to keep clean, being so far back into the mouth

An impacted or erupting wisdom tooth can push on adjacent teeth, causing them to become crooked or even damaging them structurally.

Cyst formation damages the bone that holds the crown of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom Teeth are removed for following reasons:

?They are erupting in to an abnormal position, such as tilted, sideways or twisted.
?They are trapped below the gum line due to lack of space.
?An infection has developed from trapped food, plaque and bacteria, known as pericoronitis.
?The erupted wisdom tooth lacks proper hygiene, because it is hard to reach, resulting in tooth decay.
?The way the patients teeth bite together has changed, causing misalignment of the jaws.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Complications:

Sinus Complications:
The upper wisdom teeth roots are very close to the maxillary sinus and some people even have roots that go into the sinus. An opening into the sinus after the removal of wisdom teeth occurs once in a while. If this occurs it is likely that bacteria can prevent healing and get into the sinus. This infection does not respond well to antibiotics and often requires additional surgery to drain the sinus.

Numbness/ Nerve Damage:
Nerves in your mouth may be damaged during surgery to remove your lower wisdom teeth. Your lower lip, chin or tongue may feel tingly or numb. This happens to between 1 and 8 out of 100 people. For 1 in 100 people, the numbness is permanent, where as others regain feeling after 3 months.

Dry Socket:
Smoking, spitting or drinking with a straw in disregard to the surgeon’s instructions can cause this, along with other activities that change the pressure inside of the mouth, such as playing a musical instrument.

Signs of infection include fever above 100 degrees, abnormal swelling, pain or a salty or prolonged bad taste, with or without evidence of discharge from the surgical site.

Root Fragments:
Fragment is close to a nerve or adjacent sinus, removal of the root tip could jeopardize adjacent structures.

Everyone bleeds after surgery, but it should stop by the time you go home. Many people have bleeding that is difficult to stop.

Chronic Headache:
Our head can pound 24/7 and cause you severe pain every day.

A massive escape of fluid into the tissue from blood vessels causing large edematous swellings usually appears in the maxilla as a reddened area with well circumscribed rings and a buring sensation.

Lemierre’s Syndrome:
This very rare disease is known to affect young and healthy adults.
These are some complications faced during removal of teeth.

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