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Exam MB6-869: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction
Understanding Dynamics AX 2012 Architecture (13 percent)
•Identify key development features and functionality.
◦This topic may include: development workspace; IntelliMorph; MorphX; object-oriented design; navigation
•Demonstrate understanding of the data architecture.
◦This topic may include: working with data in forms; sorting records; filtering records; finding records
•Demonstrate understanding of architecture components.
◦This topic may include: layers; models; labels; Help system; reporting
•Work with customization tools.
◦This topic may include: using MorphX to customize the user interface; using the X++ editor to develop customizations; identifying best practices; using the Type Hierarchy Browser and Type Hierarchy Context tools; using the reverse engineering tool
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction MB6-869 pdf
Exam Number/Code : MB6-869
Exam Name : Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction
One year free update
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Questions and Answers : 76Q&As
Update Time : 2012-7-8
Price : $79.00
Free MB6-869 dumps Demo Download
Which of the following statements about marketing lists are true? (Choose all that apply.)
A.Static marketing lists cannot be locked.
B.You can copya dynamicmarketing list to a static marketing list.
C.One dynamic marketing listcan contain accounts, contacts, and leads.
D.You can add membersto a static marketing listby using anAdvanced Find query.
E.You can remove members from a dynamic marketing list by using anAdvanced Find query.
Answer: BD
You need to schedule a phone call to a group ofAccounts and Contacts, followed three days later byan
email message.
What should you do
A.Create one quickcampaign.
B.Create two quickcampaigns.
C.Create one campaign with one marketing list.
D.Create one campaign with two marketing lists.
Answer: D
The Microsoft MB6-869 exam is intended for individuals who plan to implement the basic technical tasks required to effectively use Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 development functionality in their organization. This audience typically includes technical consultants and programmers.
Additional Skills Recommended:
General working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 usage and experience in object-oriented programming.
With us, you will be so well prepared that you will walk into the exam center with confidence and ace the paper. With one of the highest success rates in the industry, we are confident we are the best choice for you when it comes to preparing for MB6-869 certification exam. Don??t get deluded by false claims of other centers. Test4actual is the best choice for you as we provide up-to-date, accurate and reliable information. All our study material has prepared carefully by people who been in MB6-869 exam certification for many years and has been proofread for possible mistakes.
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