Tips That Will Help Movers Save Time in Transporting Your Stuff
Did you know that some moving companies actually charge you based on the amount of time the movers spend transporting and setting up your stuff? If you want to cut down on the costs of moving, you should know what you can do to make things extra efficient. There are some areas which you can contribute, so make sure you know about all of these. Some involve pre-move tasks, while some will be done during the actual move itself. Either way, you save on both time and money!
Moving can be hard, which is why you hire moving companies for the job. But before the movers get to your place and bring your stuff to the new house, make sure you have clearly labeled each box regarding its contents and where it ought to go. It is even better if you sort the box according to the rooms, so every time the moving van comes back it loads things that go in the same room and they simply keep putting it in that room instead of going around the house each time. This saves you more time. Also, make sure that you also provide notes about where the rooms are in the house so they can locate it.
Second, prior to moving try to transport some of the little things to the new house by yourself. You will want to transport the fragile stuff, or the collectibles if you will. You want the moving companies to get their movers to transport the heavier stuff, or the stuff that you cannot do yourself. It really pays when you do some of the moving work yourself, especially if it is just stuff that is on the light side. Let the movers concentrate on the heavy duty moving, while you help out (and save money in the process) by transporting the smaller stuff little by little on your own.
Third, on the moving day itself you can also help out by transporting some of the smaller boxes in your car! This is helpful especially since you ensure that your precious small things are not crushed unlike when they are in the vans of moving companies, where there is a higher likelihood of breakage. You might even be able to do it in such a way that the majority of the things inside the van will only take one trip to bring to the destination because you are able to put the rest in your vehicle. You can even ask some of your relatives to help, or use all the cars you own to help transport the other small things.
Moving is indeed, a very busy and laborious activity – but if you are willing to exert extra effort things can be done much faster and at a smaller cost. It really does pay to prepare your things before the move and during the move, so the movers can concentrate on the bigger stuff like beds and refrigerator and other heavy furniture while you take care of the smaller things like decorative or lampshades.
Movers get busy with the big and heavy furniture, so why not lend a helping hand? Some moving tips can do well to save you time and money so you do not have to pay the moving companies astronomical fees.