What is Mobile Website Development?
One great revolution that people around the world have been experiencing in the last few years is all thanks to one little device – the smartphone. In the past, mobile device were used mainly for speaking to our friends and family members, sending them text messages, setting the alarm clock and occasionally using the low-tech internet connection to download ring tones. Oh yeah, most of them had a very primitive camera, too.
Websites and Applications Gone Mobile
The great change started rolling around about five years ago, in 2007, with the advent of the first smartphone. Since then, the world has been exploding with numerous versions of smartphone that just keep getting smarter and more sophisticated as we speak. Smartphones are heavily based on the Internet – and guess what, the Internet at some point has started becoming very heavily based on them too. A growing number of websites have mobile versions, and many applications are only mobile. In this kind of atmosphere, it’s no wonder that more and more companies and brands are looking into mobile website development.
Mobile Website Development: The Basics
Mobile website development is a trend taking the world by storm. If you are a company looking to make a mobile version of your website, it is best advised to consult with experts in the field. That is, people who specialize in building mobile websites and apps, who can make them user-friendly and at the same time highly sophisticated. In addition, some mobile website sialists also can also help you with managing and marketing your mobile website.
By the way, smartphones are not the only devices on which mobile applications work. In recent years we have also witnessed the advent of tablets, which can be described as a cross between laptops and smartphones when it comes to size and functions. Since the number of tablets is constantly growing, it is best if you invest in developing tablet applications, too.
So why build mobile websites, you ask? Well, over 30% of all traffic on the Internet is mobile traffic nowadays, and well over half of all searches are done from mobile phones. This means that by having a mobile website or app, you could increase the traffic to your website tremendously and become more popular than ever before. And if that isn’t a good prospect, what is? Therefore, you should get working on it right now. Your potential (and existing) clients are waiting.