Capabilities of Electronic Medical Records
There are many different capabilities offered by the array of electronic medical record systems on the market. However, there are certain capabilities that are common to EMR software that are ideal for any health organization interested in implementing this type of system. The most important capabilities any electronic medical records software should offer are listed below.
Immediate Access
Electronic medical records software should offer healthcare personnel immediate access to important patient information including lab results, diagnoses, medications, patient allergies, and other pertinent health information. Having immediate access saves time and improves overall care.
Easy Access
Many patients have multiple doctors. As a result, electronic medical records should be accessible to all providers who care for a specific patient regardless of the setting so that new data may easily be entered. This allows all doctors to be aware of new medications, new diagnoses, and the patient’s overall status.
It is important for EMR systems to provide reminders so medical staff can follow up with their patients. These reminders may be for elderly patients who have not received a flu shot or diabetics who are due for additional testing. Regardless of the situation, the software should track patients in the system and remind doctors to check on them.
Patient Portal
EMR software that offers a patient portal is important because it allows patients to access their health records, most recent lab results, and schedule appointments. This can reduce the office staff’s workload and allow patients convenient access to their healthcare information.
It is important for any EMR software to be secure. This is important for both doctors and patients and security can reduce the legal concerns that sometimes accompany the implementation of this type of software.
Many EMR software systems are expected to be replaced over the next several years thanks to Federal stimulus money targeted for the implementation of electronic medical records systems in doctor’s practices and hospitals.