Growing Tomatoes – Bigger And Tastier
Firstly you have to decide on the suitable climate for tomato cultivation. Usually growing tomatoes in an 80? soil temperature together with the proper amount of moisture content will bestow fantastic harvesting. Therefore it is vital to prepare the soil prior to tomato cultivation. As soon as the winter has gone, you can cover up the whole garden with black plastic sheets so as to trap the maximum amount of temperature from the sun that is required for excellent tomato cultivation. Make sure the edges are wrapped properly so that the air flow is purged to a maximum extent.
In case you are going to prepare saplings from seeds, then transplant to the desired place, sow the seeds and make available at least 12 to 18 hours of sunlight to them every day. Make use of an oscillating fan at a distance of about three feet behind the fresh shoots at a minimum speed. This will help the saplings to develop stronger stems that will withstand any adverse condition once it is transplanted to a new place. When your saplings are healthy enough with a minimum of 5 leaves, move them carefully to a new place and plant a little bit deeper. If you are purchasing saplings directly from a garden center ensure that the seedling has developed 5 to 6 leaves. These tips will assure you amazing tomato cultivation.
While transplanting the sapling, carefully take the tightly packed mass of roots and soil in a container and relocate it in a new place with the root ball barely covered. While growing tomatoes, the plant should be healthier to bore bigger tomatoes. For a stronger, healthier plant make sure to bury the last two leaves of the sapling leaving the remaining 3 – 4 leaves on top to be exposed to the sun.
Once the plant is transplanted to a right place carefully and correctly, the next step includes the proper maintenance. Suckers that are grown at the junction of 2 branches should be removed periodically so that the whole energy is focused mainly on the fruits and not on the limbs that don’t produce fruits. When not attended these suckers will suck all the energy to bear useless limbs and the energy to the fruits will completely be blocked. It is also essential to prune the other non-fruit bearing branches. Pruning down the branches will ensure adequate energy to the plants and moreover it permits more sunrays to pass to the core of the plant. But be watchful not to over prune for leaves are vital to produce sugar that enriches the sweetness of tomatoes. Watering the plant sufficiently is an important process otherwise it will wither. Neither less nor too much but the right amount of water will bore numerous, tasty and bigger tomatoes. Growing tomatoes is an easier job when done properly and patiently.
Rachel Jones has been in the field of growing tomatoes for a long time and maintains a website about tomato cultivation where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.