What Should We Pay Attention to When We Supply Calcium


Many people like to use diet to promote the body’s absorption of calcium. However, if you have a little neglect, it will not only affect the absorption of calcium, but also let you fall into the following calcium misunderstanding.


The first error is that eating beef is conductive to strengthen your bones. Many people think that the people of Europe and the United States who builds strong bones are because of often eat beef. The benefits of eating beef are there, but there is one we should not forget, it is to eat more beef, calcium missing is the more serious. Because of the very low calcium content in the beef, and meat contains a lot of acidic components, so we must use other food to neutralize these acidic ingredients after eating beef, it will increase the loss of calcium in the body, greatly reducing the absorption of calcium. This is somehow caught in a dietary error.


The second error is that eating vegetables is not related to the bone health. Many people think that there is the high content of vitamin and dietary fiber in the vegetables; and they think that it is no relationship between eating vegetables and bone health. In fact, fresh vegetables not only contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium content is very high, after eating, it can help to maintain the acid-base balance in the body, thus reducing the loss of calcium in the body. Such as rape, cabbage, kale, celery and other vegetables, the calcium content is also high, so we cannot ignore the supplying calcium effect of them.


The third myth is that spinach is unhelpful to supply calcium. Most people know that spinach cannot be eaten together with tofu, because spinach contains large amounts of oxalic acid, and combine tofu together to form insoluble precipitates. However, if we eat spinach together with some food, it can also promote the absorption of calcium; in addition, because spinach is relatively rich in potassium and magnesium content, and foods containing magnesium together with calcium are Gold partner.


The fourth myth is that the drinks cannot affect calcium. The basic beverage containing phosphate ingredient, this ingredient will seriously affect the absorption of calcium drinking a lot of beverages can also cause the loss of calcium, which is often harmful effects of drinking the beverage. Some people in order to improve the taste, drinks will be associated with the eating; in fact, doing so has no any benefits. If the people who are supplying calcium and they drink some drinks, it will has the adverse effect of calcium.


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